LI: Researching & Recording
Step 3 – Researching First, you should realise that there are many sources of information. Remember, it is advised that you use at least two sources of information. You are expected to talk for 5 minutes or more! Internet Library: Books, Journals Memory Family & Friends Source TV, DVDs Newspapers, Magazines
Thinking Tools 1. You can use KWL & QuADS to help you record what you know and additional information that you wish to know about your chosen topic. 2. You can use De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats when looking at a particular issue. This critical thinking tool is ideal for ensuring that you look at a problem or issue from every possible perspective. Critical thinking tool can help you - to find information - to record information Step 4 – Recording
KWL & Quads What I KnowWhat I Want to KnowWhat I Have Learned Drinking heavily is dangerous.What are the effects of long- term heavy drinking? Drinking heavily is dangerous and has many long-term effects. (Answer/Details) Each W becomes a separate QuADS: QuestionAnswerDetailSource What are the effects of long-term heavy drinking? Brain Damage Memory Loss Mood Swings Depression Liver Disease Blood Pressure Heart Problems Crime / Violence Alcohol is a drug. It is a depressant and effects the way the brain works. Liver gets bigger through build up of fat. Hypertension, high blood pressure. 25% of year-olds say that they get into fights after drinking a lot. ‘Alcohol: A Quick Guide’, by Gerald Beals Pages 4-9 Interview “Rob” Alcoholics Anonymous at Pool School The ACHE website …
De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats These hats are used when looking at any topic or problem. In turn, use the properties of each hat to look at the problem. For example, when considering a mission to Mars, the White Hat type of thinking would be used when scientists wanted to focus on amounts of fuel, distances, etc. – data, information. The Black Hat would also be used when considering the problems associated with a Mars Mission. The Red Hat would be useful when reflecting on your feelings of achievement after a school or club event.
* I have consulted a variety of sources of information * I understand how to record my sources of information * I must acknowledge my sources of information (e.g. website address, ISBN No. of book, etc.)
Step 1 – Topic Step 2 – Purpose Step 3 – Researching Talk - Checklist Step 4 – Recording Step 5 – Organising & Structuring Step 6 – Language & Rhetoric Step 7 – Audio & Visual Step 8 – Rehearsals & Questions