EURES is European Employment Services Jobcentre Plus AND all the other public employment services of the European Economic Area
EURES offers A free service to jobseekers and employers within the EEA The display of vacancies on the internet and in jobcentres abroad Signposting on tax/rights/benefits etc Tailored recruitment
Equality of standards UK Vacancies must comply with UK employment law Employers are encouraged to consider and discuss jobseeker needs Quality not quantity No commercial interest
European Economic Area? European Union + Norway + Switzerland
No Work Permits EEA workers DO NOT need work permits Or residency certificates Their length of stay is not restricted
Has the employer thought about … ? A helpful/flexible package Accommodation Language tuition Supporting socially Interviewing
Individual recruitment campaigns EURES advisers work with overseas advisers to target campaigns Host country promotes vacancy CVs sent to employer to shortlist Interviews arranged in host country with local support
Jobsfairs Interviews already arranged + Drop-in candidates + Mutual support of other employers
Eliminate some of the problems before they occur ! Contact: EURES SW Helen Giles bcentreplus.gsi.