FARMING AND RURAL ISSUES GROUP FOR THE S.E. Andrew Colquhoun 7 February 2011
BACKGROUND Formed 1997 Recognised by SEEDA and GOSE 14 member organisations
MEMBERSHIP NFU, Tenant Farmers, Young Farmers CLA Horticultural Trades Association National Trust RICS Forestry, agricultural equipment, contractors Land-based colleges and trainers EBLEX
ACTIVITIES Boost rural economy through farming, forestry and horticulture Champion good practice on the land Integrate production and environmental issues Advise on/ influence official policies affecting land-based business Forum for official/ land-based business liaison
RECENT PROJECTS Managing the Champions Scheme: 16 projects Monitoring English Farming and Food Partnership, and Fresh Start work in the region Working with LEPs Lobbying on farm reservoir regulation Talking to Defra about their regional work
THE FUTURE????? FRIG committed to sustainable economic development Big opportunities: e.g. horticulture, wine, woodland management for biomass Immediate issues: e.g. planning, water, R&D, labour, skills And longer term existential issues: food security, climate change, resource security, disease resilience Can/ will LEPs help? How will Defra deliver at regional level? FRIG network brings insight and commitment