1. Background 2. Design 3. Cost 4. Fundraising
PLACE OF WORSHIP – there are around 500 members of St John’s and services are held throughout the week COMMUNITY MEETINGS – there are many groups who use St John’s as a meeting place SOCIAL JUSTICE – through its murals, organisations and events, St John’s is a place of social justice in the heart of the city SOCIAL ENTERPRISE – St John’s is home to a number of charitable enterprises
The main worship space at St John’s is a wonderful part of the site
However, many other parts of our historic building are not fit for purpose. Much of our activity is centred in the least hospitable spaces.
The rooms used by charities, support organisations and children’s groups, as well as our offices, are in the basement. They are reached by steep steps and a narrow corridor. The rooms have no natural light and no disabled access.
Our community hall is unwelcoming and outdated. There is a real need for more space.
Access to St. John’s and throughout the campus is poor. It is especially prohibitive to anyone with a disability or mobility issues.
Our toilet provision is woefully inadequate. This is especially apparent during the festival and many events held here each year.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to continue with what we have and there is little room to meet new challenges. “I was rather disconcerted by the corridor along to our room. It was long, dark and felt very claustrophobic.” Crisis Skylight “Our group has been meeting at St. John’s for more than ten years. We like the venue, which appears to have a healing and calming effect on people. However the many stairs down make it increasingly difficult for elderly or disabled members.” AlAnon “The church hall is rather bleak and cold, which is a pity because the church is so beautifully located.” Faith in Older People
Disabled ramp There will now be a new entrance from Lothian Road onto the west terrace, making St John’s a much more welcoming part of the city-centre Gates lockable at night Main entrance to church unchanged Entrance to hall LOTHIAN ROAD Together with LDN Architects, we have produced our vision for the future of St. John’s. We have full planning permission and consent for this development. By making urgent improvements and upgrades it will provide a fresh centre for activity in Edinburgh; one which fully embodies our values of inclusivity, creativity and welcome for all.
If you walk along the west terrace then you come to a door that currently looks like this WEST TERRACE
The door will be changed to look like this. It will create a more welcoming entrance into St John’s, leading to a central ‘hub’ for all our activity.
Inside the new entrance (on the left hand side of this plan) there will now be a reception space with a new lift (providing wheelchair access to all levels), stairs and an easy access toilet... WEST TERRACE
In part of the space currently occupied by the existing hall there will now be one large meeting room (which can be split into two). This meeting space can be used by community groups during the week and by the Sunday School on a Sunday
The new hall will be created using part of the existing hall as well as a new south-facing extension. This hall, with views towards Princes Street Gardens and Edinburgh Castle, will have direct access to the Dormitory garden as well as small kitchen linked with the larger cafe kitchen below DORMITORY GARDEN
This is a plan of the new office mezzanine that will be built above the existing hall. It will have a mixture of open-plan and single person offices.
This plan shows the re-developed lower terrace with two retail units towards the left, new toilet facilities in the middle, then the lift and stairs and the cafe towards the right
The development focuses on: Accessibility: improving our layout Flexibility: new, multi-use spaces Comfort: upgrading facilities Capacity: much needed space Environment: minimising impact Financial Sustainability: helping us remain relevant and viable
. This view, from the direction of Edinburgh Castle, shows how the different parts of re-developed building link together Hall Office mezzanine Cafe Access to lifts, stairs, toilets Retail spaces Meeting rooms, etc Retail / cafe overspill
One of the most eye-catching aspects of a re-developed St. John’s will be the new extension constructed in a south-facing, ground-level area. The new space will be light, spacious and flexible enough to accommodate different groups at the same time. It will enable everyone to make best use of one of the most attractive areas of our site all year round.
In work began on phase one of our development; the replacement of our existing heating system. This was essential due to the ineffective and uneconomical system which was in place. This work is now complete and the updated system is already making a huge difference.
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