St Nicholas’ Class
Once upon a time there was a man called Saint Nicholas. He was the leader of the church and was very kind and sharing to others. This story tells how secretly he gave gold to a poor family.
Long long ago in a town called Myra lived three sisters and their father.
The three sisters were old enough to get married but their father had no money to pay their new husbands the dowry. So the three sisters could not get married.
One cold winters day they were standing on a street corner when suddenly they heard a band playing.
“It’s a wedding party” said the youngest sister. “Let’s go and see!”
But the sisters had to stand on tip toe to see the bride.
“What a lovely dress!” said the youngest sister. “What a wonderful party!” said the middle sister. “What a lovely house she will have with her husband” sighed the eldest sister.
There were so many people that the three sisters went home.
After they got home. They took off their shoes and socks and hung them by the fire.
Later on their father came home and brought some food because he had helped fix the church roof.
At midnight Saint Nicholas was walking down the dark and narrow streets in a long cloak with a hood when suddenly he saw the house where the three sisters lived.
He saw that their father had no money to mend his roof but he had helped to fix the church roof.
Then Saint Nicholas had an idea.
He clambered up onto the rooftop and crept along like a cat to the chimney.
Next he got the three bags of coins out of his pocket.
Crash he dropped the first bag of coins down the chimney. Bang he dropped the second bag of coins down the chimney. Wallop he dropped the third bag of coins down the chimney. WALLOP!
Saint Nicholas smiled. What a surprise they will have in the morning he thought.
Meanwhile the three sisters and their father had heard the crash, bang, wallop and rushed to the fire place.
They lit a lamp and looked all around the room. “Its gold” whispered the eldest sister. “Look there is gold coins by the fire” said the middle sister. “There’s even one in the toe of my stocking” laughed the youngest sister. “Someone has been very kind to us” said their father
Now the three sisters could get married!