Carmarthenshire Communication Support Service Small pebbles create big ripples
‘ Speech, Language and Communication without question, is key to learning’ (Boyer 1991)
10% of children – that’s two to three in every UK classroom – have some form of long term communication difficulty that can affect them early, severely and for life. There is a window of opportunity to learn language. By 6yrs old it gets harder to learn these skills. The majority of 7 year olds with speech, language and communication difficulties won’t catch up.
Reasons to prioritise communication It doesn’t happen by accident. You can make a difference. It is important to know what happens and when. Talking and listening is key. The earlier we help the better.
Speech and Language Friendly Schools EmpowerEnrich EngageEvaluate
Engage Collaboration ParentsSchoolsSLTLEA
Whole School Approach Embedded in school improvement and self evaluation Awareness of speech, language and communication development Identifying, planning and monitoring outcomes Good practice for all Parental involvement Accessing effective training
Pilot Teaching Talking Language GroupsSupporting Parents Training