The Ever So Long Wool String A Turkish Story by Mesude Orgut Lesson Aims: To understand how to cope with change Lesson Objectives: Discuss a story and its key features Write the next part of a given story, continuing in the same theme
Thinking Points Describe your own Wonderful Wide World Think about what each of these things means to you... What is a birthplace? What is a hometown? What makes a home? What kind of an adventure would you like to go on?
What do their possessions tell us? Read Question 7: Think about what each girl might have done had she carried on with her own journey: consider the kilim, the boots and the compass. kilim boots compass What do these items say about each sister?
“Where do we go from here?” The question above is one that each of the sisters could have asked at the end of the story Read questions 4, 5 and 6 and, either in a group or individually, come up with some ideas and answers Think carefully about your answers, and try to come up with as much detail as possible You are going to write the next part of the story for one of the sisters
Writing your story A possible starting place could be: The kindly mother reached out and gently took the wool strings from each daughter in turn. She replaced the string with three notes, and on each note was written the same message. The message read, ‘It does not matter what you do, what happens to you is always true’. Now go on to write what you think happened to one of the sisters…