Transition of Public Health December 2011 Update Gemma Dunn 8 th December 2011
Legislation and National Policy Health and Social Care Bill remains in House of Lords Policy papers: –The Role of Local Government in Public Health –Public Health England Operating Model –Public Health Funding –Workforce Strategy Consultation –Public Health Outcomes Framework Health and Wellbeing Boards in shadow form April 2012 NHS Commissioning Board Public Health England
South of England Strategic Health Authority Established in October 2011 Consists of South West, South Central and South East Coast SHAs. Sir Ian Carruthers is Chief Executive and Dr Gabriel Scally is the Director of Public Health for the South of England Sustainability remains in the portfolio for the Director of Public Health SD Leads across South West, South Central and South East Coast working closely together.
SD Leads Networking Videoconference Tuesday, 31 January : :00 The NHS South of England Sustainable Development Leads would like to invite you to their first Sustainable Development Networking Videoconference on 31 st January The videoconference will be hosted via links across South West, South Central and South East Coast with an opening welcome from Dr Gabriel Scally, Director of Public Health, NHS South of England. The event will include presentations from each host area of the South and include guest speakers from organisations such as the European Centre for Environment and Human Health and the Sustainable Development Unit.