Public Sector Customer Service Forum 21 st February 2013 Web Transformation Ceri Evans Service Development Manager
Website Provision
A Tactical Switch?
Baseline Position PETE TO GET IMAGE What was our ‘Baseline’ Position ?
The ‘Old ’ Site
A ‘Key’ Improvement Drive...
Web on the Move…
Website Demand increased by 98% (Compared to 08/09 baseline) Customer Satisfaction now up to 86% (all time high!) Welsh Language Provision 80% (Baseline 7%) Accessibility – 2 nd Wales, 12 th UK (Sitemorse Ranking) Website Availability 99.7% (including planned downtime) SOCITM Better Connected Top 3 in Wales, Top 25 UK Website Silo Sites reduced from 37 to less than 10 (incl. partners)
Bulky Waste Collections First full Year of WebThis Year… PercentageChange Tel91%75%-16% F2F2% 0% Web7%23%+16% 23% Web from Nil Base 7,300 requests now On-Line as opposed to taking a call. Call Volumes reduced by 53%
CHANNEL SHIFT... Streetcare & Waste First full Year of WebThis Year… PercentageChange Tel83%63%-20% F2F7%14%+7% Web9%23%+14% 23% Web from Nil Base 16,900 requests now On-Line as opposed to taking a call. Call Volumes reduced by 35%
CHANNEL SHIFT... e-Payments PercentageChange Tel16%14%-2% F2F54%10%-44% Web10%31%+21% Touchtone18%19%+1% Kiosk2%26%+24% Early Years…This Year… 76% Payments Self Service 78,746 SelfServe transactions opposed to taking a call or a visit. Think wider than just web !
1.Use of consistent shorter URL Use of Promotional Images, Home, Landing, Service Pages, Transactional Navigation. 3.Exploiting the use of Contact Centre Queue and Out of Hours Call Messaging 4.Pro-active “sign-posting” to the Web via Face-to-Face and Telephone Advisors. 5.Animated Video Feeds on Plasma / LCD Screens at One-Stop- Shops. 6.Use of Public Access Kiosks (20 across RCT) 7.News Articles in “FREE” Council Newspaper “Outlook” 8.Pro-active Press Releases to the local media / Social Media Links. 9.Using key customer insight information, to pro-actively highlight services based on trends (e.g. Seasonal) 10.Pushing Transactional Services through the Search Engine… “Recommended Results” or “Suggestive Search ” 10 Tips to Encourage Channel Shift...
For further information, please contact... Ceri Evans Service Development Manager Tel: (01443)