WHAT HAVE WE BEEN DOING OVER THE PAST YEAR? Continuing to develop and expand the network Working in collaboration with Volition 8 New services with Lead Practitioners – Aspire, Personality Disorder Clinical Network, 3 Community Links services, Genesis, Leeds Mind Wellbeing service, Touchstone Housing Support Team Established a wider network Currently identifying services who work with the BME and LGBT communities Job Shadowing Scheme
Working with LPFT to implement Dual Diagnosis Strategy Developing dual diagnosis care pathways for inpatient and community services which will be introduced soon. Supporting to create a training package for all inpatient staff focused on screening, harm reduction and brief interventions. Common Screening Tools Drug and Alcohol services – MH Screening tool, GAD7, PHQ9 to compliment own assessment Mental Health Services – AUDIT and ASSIST to compliment own assessment Soon to be available on the website
Care Pathways and Protocols Common Mental Health Problems Protocol agreed between Community Drug Treatment Services and Primary Care Mental Health - IAPT Ongoing review of established protocols, partnerships and link working – forensic, care co-ordination, Assertive Outreach – Harm Reduction, various link working Service mapping currently being undertaken 2008 – approximately 20 services 2012 – 37 services Services will be mapped against DoH dual diagnosis quadrant and each service will provide service specific information Information to match care co-ordination pathway
Department of Health Dual Diagnosis Quadrant
Crisis Common MH Problems Severe & Enduring MENTAL HEALTH SUBSTANCE USE HIGH Severity Of Problematic Use LOW III IV I II
Service Spec Info + Care Pathway Guide
Service User Involvement Indentified gap in current structure Working with Joe Alderdice from Leeds Involving People Dual Diagnosis Expert Reference Group recently established Carers Develop contacts with carer services Provide information, raise awareness and identify how the network can support Promote involvement in network
MOVING FORWARD - THE NEXT 6 MONTHS Care Pathway Research Undertaking an auditing of care pathways Identify pathways being taken, barriers to accessing services, interventions offered, how people are referred etc Support Dual Diagnosis pilot study in Primary Care Mental Health Case Study Framework Retrospective case study Identify positive practice and barrier/problems being experienced Work collaboratively to improve services and inform future strategy
PR + Promotion Update the website to reflect the developments over the past year Service mapping information linked to care pathways, common screening tools, resources e.g. information leaflets, useful websites, training Create a Dual Diagnosis pack for practitioners, service users and carers Visit services to promote and explain the website and Dual Diagnosis pack (approx May-June) Advertise in mental health and drug/alcohol services
Case Study Framework Retrospective case study Identify positive practice and barrier/problems being experienced Work collaboratively to improve services and inform future strategy Service User Involvement Build on the recent establishment of Expert Reference Group Inform PR + promotion, case studies framework, strategy
Training Needs Harm reduction training for voluntary sector mental health services - 2 hours, 3 dates (June, September + November) £50 Support network members to identify training needs and resolve Develop skills of all practitioners to support Dual Diagnosis in own service Continue to look at improving interagency working with all network partners
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