Common Assessment Framework for Adults Demonstrator Site Programme Event to Support Expressions of Interest.


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Presentation transcript:

Common Assessment Framework for Adults Demonstrator Site Programme Event to Support Expressions of Interest

INTRODUCTION “Putting People First” Transformation Agenda Development of Common Assessment Framework CSIP & Care Services Efficiency Delivery Programme DH SC Policy & Innovation NHS CFH H&SC Integration Programme

Any questions not answered today Please contact the team by email at:

Common Assessment Framework for Adults Policy Development and Background Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships Directorate Department of Health 23 September 2008

Rationale for improved information sharing Continued improvements in coordination between health and social care services. Improved multi-disciplinary assessment and information exchange is required to: underpin multi-disciplinary working; and improve outcomes for all adults with complex longer-term health and social care needs. Evidence from the Single Assessment Process suggests that there are efficiencies from sharing the right information at the right time.

What is CAF Principles to underpin information sharing around assessment and care planning of people with complex, long-term needs Set of common shared information Proposals for developing information exchange between electronic care records.

CAF Development Adult Social Care IT Infrastructure – Capital Grant Learning from Social Care Personal Demographics Service Early Adopters project (SCPEA) and Newham Whole System Demonstrator Site CAF Demonstrator sites to test & stimulate local developments & IT solutions to support shared assessment & care planning CAF consultation document – detailing proposals

CAF Consultation To set out the principles which should inform assessment, care planning and support based on a personalised and person-centred approach To establish how best to fit information sharing into developing assessment and care / support planning arrangements; and the developing personalisation agenda To set out the basis of a shared (common) set of information To propose supporting IT mechanisms and NHS CFH systems to hold and share information between electronic care records across the NHS, social services and subsequently other organisations involved in care and support

Questions so far?

Common Assessment Framework for Adults CAF Demonstrator Sites – Call for Interest Jaimie Cross / Carl Evans Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships Directorate Department of Health 23 September 2008

Purpose of CAF Demonstrator Sites Test and develop a set of principles relating to the assessment and care planning arrangements for all adults. Develop IT solutions that enable health and social care practitioners to share assessment and care/support planning information within and between, social services, the NHS, the wider council and other local partner agencies, including user led organisations, involved in supporting people in the community to achieve independent living; Evidence their effect on outcomes for “service users” & carers, professional practice, effectiveness, and cost effectiveness.

Demonstrators Core Elements Establishing assessment processes which are consistent with the principles of the Common Assessment Framework for Adults across local organisations participating in the pilots; Upgrading social services IT systems so that they meet the necessary standards to be able to interface with the NHS Care Records Service; Using national Spine services to make social care assessments and care plans available to the NHS; Providing social services with access (or partial access) to information held on the National Spine – CAF dataset; Evaluating the costs, benefits and risks of deploying shared records solutions/options.

Describing how your project will address the core deliverables APPLICATION FORM: Part C1 Core Deliverables Information Sharing and Personalisation CAF Messaging Connections with NHS Potential efficiencies? Impacts on performance and targets? Secondary Deliverables Wider partnerships Additional objectives

Demonstrators Secondary Deliverables -1 The inclusion of different Primary Care organisations e.g. GP practices, practice based commissioners or District Nursing services within the partnership. Address the interests/concerns of specific health populations / pathways e.g. mental health, cancer, long-term conditions, palliative/end of life care, diabetes, stroke etc within their community. Putting in place practical approaches to connected arrangements during the transition from Children’s to Adult Services Local care records to have been extended to include Supporting People or the housing authority.

Demonstrators Secondary Deliverables - 2 The inclusion within the partnership of the voluntary and community sectors, including small organisations, and User Led Organisations. Using mobile and other innovative electronic devices and other methods of working to undertake assessments/self-assessments. Giving citizens / service users and carers access / ownership to the information about them that is held centrally.

CAF Demonstrator Prospectus APPLICATION FORM: Part C2 High level project plan – to cover how you expect to develop a more detailed project plan, including: Timings Resources Costings (programme / capital) What support you are expecting from NHS CFH, DH and CSIP. To be developed following short listing