Law Enforcement and Corporate Accountability Setting the Scene David Bergman
Law Enforcement and Corporate Accountability Setting the Scene Agencies Involved Health and Safety Executive and Local Authorities - HSC v HSE Police Crown Prosecution Service Government Departments Department of Transport Local Government and the Region Home Office
HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE Main Enforcement Activities preventative inspections investigation into reported incidents Enforcement Powers Preventative- advice - enforcement notices Accountability - Prosecution - formal caution - written warning
HSC - ENFORCEMENT POLICY STATEMENT Resources Use of Powers- Preventative - Accountability Use of Preventative Powers When to investigate When to Prosecute Expectation of Prosecution- serious harm -serious failure - recklessness - poor history
HSE - ENFORCEMENT POLICY STATEMENT (cont) Who to prosecute Section 37 - Directors Which Courts- Magistrates Courts Prosecute by Whom Sentencing Issues and the HSE/LA
POLICE AND CROWN PROSECUTION SERVICE Manslaughter - differences between it and Health and Safety Offences police and HSE/LA Crown Prosecution Service