Common Assessment Framework
CSIP Site Support Katy Murray – CAF / Personalisation Advisor Mary Riches – CAF Advisor Barney Stevenson – CAF Advisor
CAF Consultation 12 week public consultation on CAF proposals 8 regional events Online consultation facility Off-line printed material available
Aims of site support To provide the right level and type of assistance to enable sites to implement CAF proposals in line with the local project plan and within the agreed timescales Deliver a programme of support to demonstrator sites that are selected throughout the life of the project Enhance contributions to the evaluation
Resources CAF / Personalisation Adviser- 1WTE CAF Advisors - 4 WTE Site Support Project Administrator - 1 WTE Close working relationships with colleagues in CFH, Care Services Efficiency Delivery Programme (CSED) and DH
Approach Targeted support to sites Responsive to individual sites’ needs and issues Stimulate innovative development Provide opportunities to share learning across all sites
Delivery Alongside DH/CFH/CSED partners: Shortlisting of sites Support to develop detailed project plans Selection of demonstrator sites-opportunity for SHA input Once sites are selected: A programme of support to introduce technical knowledge and support to start implementation Begin to develop a learning community On-going direct support to sites –CSIP team member Provision of guidance and good practice materials
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