The 411 for Workforce Development Board Members
Private, non-profit organization Volunteer Board of Directors One of 24 Florida Workforce Boards Board authority established through legislation Who We Are
Serve as point of contact on workforce issues Provide forum to consider workforce needs Develop and promote strategic initiatives Advise elected officials on workforce policy Coordinate with economic development effort Coordinate with education efforts What We Do
Strategic DirectionMission Facilitate and be the catalyst for workforce development services that are responsive to the Employment needs of Brevard. Mission Facilitate and be the catalyst for workforce development services that are responsive to the Employment needs of Brevard. Vision A highly competitive workforce for Brevard.
Convene the community around workforce issues Strengthen key industries Oversee performance of the system Set strategic direction and policy for operational design of the system Ensure financial stability Major Functions and Activities of BWDB
Legally responsible for making sure funds are spent in responsible manner Ensure the organization is well managed Create the organizations identity Communicate and promote the organizations mission and goals to their communities Responsibilities of Board Members General:
What are barriers faced by workers and job seekers to obtaining employment/adequate income? What are hiring requirements of employers? What are effective strategies for bridging skills gaps? What are the industries most important to Brevard? Responsibilities of Board Members Specific – Provide Knowledge & Insight:
Be an active participant in Board proceedings Be a member of at least one committee Participate in an open, honest, respectful, and non-serving manner in all deliberations Be an agent of change within own organization, system and community toward achieving the goals of the Board. Responsibilities of Board Members Expectations of Board Members:
Leadership Scope of Board Activities Board Meetings Executive Committee Meetings Committee Activities Executive Director Relations Events Development Board Succession Knowledge and Training Responsibilities of the Chairman
Maintain relationships with other agencies Facilitate Work of BWDB & Committees Work for Entire Board, and Closely with Board Chair Lead BWDB within Confines of its Mission Be Chief of Staff for BWDB Present Annual Budget for Modification/Approval Provide Fiscal Information for Financial Oversight Report on work of contractors/service providers Train staff & assist in training Board Members Be responsible for media/public relations Responsibilities of BWDB President/Executive Director
Each c ommittee has a specific job Formed by the Board and makes recommendations to the Board Board and non-board members participate to bring valuable expertise to the work of the committee The Executive Committee is each Committee Chair, Officers and immediate Past Chair Responsibilities of Board Committees
Leadership Scope of Committee Activities Board Meetings Other Responsibilities of the Committee Chairs
Most important Board decisions: Selection of Executive Director Selection of Board Chair Defines relationship between the whole Board and whole staff and the quality of the organization Boards task is governance. Executive Directors job is management Board should not try to micromanage operations. Board members need training to do what they do, so do Executive Director and staff Board/Executive Director Relationships
Study the economy Share your own experiences Participate in education sessions Understand the One-Stop Career Center concept Be aware of performance numbers Promote staff and board training Be an ambassador for the Board Practice patience and promote success Remember the taxpayer Tips For New Board Members
The Evolution BWDB Board Member Orientation Part 2
Introduce WIA Describe WIB membership and funding Identify the characteristics of an effective WIB Section 1 Objectives
Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Enabling legislation enacted in 1998 Defines WIB structure, membership, services, funding and performance. 591 state and local WIBs Legislation designed to provide workforce solutions that are locally determined
WIB Membership 50% of WIB members must be private sector Chair must be a private sector member Required public partners are education (K- 16), vocational rehabilitation, labor, economic development
Flow of Funds and Authority Flow from US Department of Labor (DOL) to WIBs via states Some funds are formula driven (WIA) Some funds are subject to elected officials desires (TANF) Authority for funds and resource allocations varies among WIBs. WIBs can use 10% for administration and the balance is available for One Stop infrastructure, basic skills and occupational training, remediation, and business services.
WIBs as Resource Developers WIBs have been increasingly successfully generating funds via: State and local general funds Fundraising targeted to business foundations Federal grants Enhanced business services for a fee
Beyond WIA An Effective Workforce Board Researches the local economy Takes a data driven strategic focus Accepts responsibility for high quality services Convenes essential voices for critical decisions Engages business members in decisions Seeks diversified funds to support strategic goals Demands proactive and diverse business services
What You Need to Know About Your WIB Is the WIB a (c )? Fiscal agent? Who is on the WIB? 50% businesses? From what key industries? What is the overall budget of the WIB? What other resources is the WIB developing?
Section 2 Objectives Describe the One-Stop concept and services involved Describe the E 3 concept
One-Stop Workforce Concept Mandatory Partners under WIA Adult Education and literacy activities Vocational Rehabilitation Housing Authority Senior Community Employment Service Veterans Employment Services Temporary Aide to Needy Families (TANF) Wagner-Peyser programs
Services to Business WIBs have independently developed business services: Labor Market Information Rapid Response Services Employed Worker Training OJT Contracts Business Learning Events Virtual Job Fair Specialized training for national certification Specialized assessment services (Profiles) HR services for small businesses
CORE SERVICES Universal No Eligibility Standard Low Cost - High Volume Job PlacementRecruiting for Employer Listings Information - LMIConsumer Reports Provider/Area PerformanceInitial Assessment Referral to Community and Specialized Services INTENSIVE SERVICES Limited By: Program Eligibility Need-Couldnt Get Job Moderate Cost - Reduced Volume Intensive Assessment & Testing"Counseling" Case ManagementSupport Services Employability Training Program Benefits e.g. UC, VR, WAGES, etc. TRAINING SERVICES Tightly Controlled By: Eligibility, Compelling Need, Local Funding Priorities High Cost-Low VolumeVouchers/ITAs Postsecondary Basic & Occupational Education OJT Customized Training WIA - One-Stop Service Delivery System
Services to Job Seekers Labor exchange (what jobs are available) Work readiness training Literacy and remediation Occupational Training Workshops (Interviewing, Resumes) Access to other publicly funded services Transportation assistance Access to computers, fax, phone
E 3 Concept Who is Involved? How are they connected? Economic Development Education (K-16) Employment
The E 3 Concept Workforce Boards cannot prepare people for jobs where they do not exist Jobs do not come, or grow, where there is not a skilled workforce. Each of our Successes is dependent on the successful outcomes of the other
What You Need to Know Where are the One Stops in your area? What services are currently offered to business? What services are offered to job seekers? How does BWDB engage in the E 3 concept?