Southampton Children & Young People’s Trust


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Presentation transcript:

Southampton Children & Young People’s Trust 02380 917987

Drivers for Sexual Health Services on College Sites Improving Access to Sexual Health Services for Young People in Further Education Settings, DfES, 2007. You’re Welcome Quality Criteria: Making health services young people friendly, DoH, 2007.   Sex Education Forum, 2008, National mapping survey of on-site sexual health services in education settings: provision in FE and sixth form colleges. Teenage Pregnancy Strategy. Southampton Sexual Health Needs Assessment, December 2008. PCT Vital signs including Teenage Conceptions and Chlamydia Screening rates. Children’s Trust- Children & Young People’s Plan, Be Healthy Chapter. Local Area Agreement- Teenage Pregnancy a national indicator. 14-19 Consortium, especially Information, Advice & Guidance. Healthy FE Apprenticeships, Skills, Children & Learning Act 2009

College Based Services: Our interpretation of the Sex Education Forum Mapping 2008. Model becomes part of the Southampton Sexual Health Strategy 2009-11.

West North RSH City S.East Tauntons Itchen City College RSH Hub Spoke

Strategic alignment Southampton Children & Young People’s Trust. Strategic Joint Commissioning function of Be Healthy Group, its membership and dual accountability. Regular performance monitoring of Section 75’s. Enabling the conditions for joint commissioning: Teenage pregnancy grant, now in area based grant (LA). Strategic Health Authority funding to improve young people’s access to contraceptive provision and reduce teenage conceptions (PCT). Commissioned until end of 2010/11 academic year. Recognising and valuing the voluntary sector provider market. Formalised contracts and service specifications across the 3 colleges, including agreement to city-wide brand. Integration of young people’s health & well-being agenda. Quality assurance through quarterly service reviews and reports. You’re Welcome self-assessment and verification for 3 college-based services.

How the tiered model develops motivation and self-efficacy to access services:

Sex & Relationships Education (SRE) Sexual Health Nurse Team with aim for wider multi-agency input. Targeting courses e.g. predominantly young male students, courses with high drop-out rates for unplanned pregnancy. Chlamydia Screening Events. Developing peer-led activity through the college network e.g. Want Respect.

Evaluation Since April-Dec 09 across the 3 college sites, average monthly contacts during term time: 44 clinical contacts 140 tier 2 contacts Average of 15 young people seen each week in each site. ‘’Give you some good advice’’ ‘’Very good and informative’’ I feel No Limits is a great idea in college, it helps me with personal matters and helps with sexual health’’ ‘’Good information, very friendly =) ‘’ ‘’Very useful, good advice’’ ‘’If it wasn't for No Limits alot of my friends would have had diseases’’ ‘’Give you good advice about contraception’’ ‘’Extremely helpful and one of the few outlets to discuss sex in a non-patronising manner’’

Group discussion What are the benefits of this model? Creating networks to support health improvement Future direction- sustainability beyond 2011… What are the benefits of this model? What are the challenges in this model? How does it compare with services in your area?

The assumptions underlying the Healthy Child Programme All schools are Healthy Schools and are working towards providing the full range of extended services All FE organisations are delivering the Healthy FE Programme All health services for young people meet You’re Welcome criteria All staff delivering the HCP are appropriately trained and skilled Statutory PHSE is delivered effectively Service configuration, staffing and resource allocation are based on systematic population health needs assessment Children, young people and their families/carers are consulted and engaged in service design and delivery.

The Southampton Healthy Child & Young Person Programme (5-19 years) Southampton Healthy Child & Young Person Sub-Group (5-19 years) with college rep. More joint planning, needs assessment, strategy and performance management. Southampton Colleges Every Child Matters Forum, meeting termly with Health and voluntary sector reps. Creating the evidence base- 2009/10 initiated reporting on all health attendances and risk factors. SHA allocation pick-up post-2011 highlighted in Operating Plan commissioning intentions. Sexual Health Service specification- explicitly commissioned requirements. Mainstream Children’s Services & Learning budget contribution in 2010/11.