TFH KEY ACTIVITY NOV 10 CF NES(S) (2 PARA) ANA MORALE BOOSTED AS INSURGENT FLAG IS CAPTURED IN HAJI BORJAN KALAY ANA soldiers operating alongside E Coy conducted a successful cordon and search operation on a suspected insurgent base location. On the route back from the operation the ANA commander, along with his warriors, took down an insurgent flag to the north east of the town of HAJI BORJAN KALAY. The flag was taken down in front of local nationals, which gave the ANA considerable credibility as well as boosting their morale. ANSF AND ISAF GIVE GIFTS TO LOCAL NATIONALS TO CELEBRATE EID ANSF and ISAF soldiers have celebrated Eid by giving gifts to the local national population throughout the Nahr-e-Saraj (South) (NES(S)) district. Rice and vegetable oil was handed out to adults and winter clothing, wellies, toys and stationary was gifted to children. The gifts were gratefully received by local nationals who have continued to demonstrate their faith for ANSF and ISAF with continued Shuras and interaction during this festive period. This is a sign of the growing faith Coalition Forces and represents progress with the COIN campaign being conducted across the district.
TFH KEY ACTIVITY 08 – 14 NOV 10 NDA(N) – 3 PARA 3 PARA were busy this week Hosting Eid Feasts for locals in and around their patrol bases and check points. This was further enhanced by the distribution of humanitarian packages throughout the area of operations. Of note, was the locals of Naqilabad Kalay who invited ISAF to an Eid Feast, showing just how welcome we have become in areas. The Eid Feast held in patrol base Shazad was a fantastic success and was attended by local elders, District Community Council members and friends. The greeting from the first elder to arrive, was to thank us for respecting their tradition and inviting them to share food with us on their special occasion.
TFH KEY ACTIVITY NOV 10 CF NDA(S) (1 R IRISH) A successful operation carried out by the 1 st Battalion The Royal Irish Regiment, provided the basis for stability for District Governor led stabilisation for the population in Nad-e- Ali province, Helmand. To ensure security in the ‘Red Wedge’ a new Check Point was established. CP TOR JAN, which is now jointly manned with the Afghan National Police (ANP) was built in record time. The security provided by Op TORA ZHEMAY 1 has allowed the District Governor (DG) Habibullah Shamalani to hold an Out Reach Shura in TOR JAN for the first time since the occupation of the Taliban. The shura was the largest gathering of village elders and local nationals in that area. In total 180 turned up to hear the words of the DG and the ISAF representative, Commanding Officer 1 R IRISH, Lieutenant Colonel Colin Weir.
TFH KEY ACTIVITY NOV 10 CF LKG (2 SCOTS) Friday the 19 th of November 2010 saw one of the biggest musical events of the year in Lashkar Gah. Farhad Darya – known by many as the ‘Afghan Elvis’ – put on a show for thousands of fans in the Provincial Capital which was deemed to be a roaring success. Security was provided by the ANP with ISAF on call should they be required. Lt Col Graham - Commanding Officer 2 SCOTS Battlegroup – attended the concert. “This was a glimpse of normality in an otherwise hectic place.” Colonel Kumallahdin – Chief of Police for Lashkar Gah – said: “This was a great day for Lashkar Gah. The fact that such a huge star as Farhad Darya chose to visit our city is proof that the ANP are providing the highest levels of security. We hope more famous stars will visit in the future.”
TFH KEY ACTIVITY NOV 10 CF LKG (2 SCOTS) “Farhad Darya, of Tajik ethnicity, blew out the Pashtun crowd with his performance and genuine love for his people” In one of the biggest musical events ever to take place in the country, pop star Farhad Darya performed in Lashkar Gah, Helmand province. “Farhad Darya played to thousands of Helmandi people as part of his Peace concert” “… hailed the concert by the Afghan Elvis as proof of security” The Independent In one of the biggest musical events ever to take place in country, Farhad Darya performed in Lashkar Gah” Belfast Telegraph
TFH KEY ACTIVITY NOV 10 CF LKG (2 SCOTS) As dawn broke over Checkpoint ATTAL on the 15 th Nov, the Afghan National Police (ANP) and members of 2 SCOTS, launched Op ZMARAY KARGHA (‘Lion Falcon’ in English). This operation saw the ANP and ISAF conducting partnered patrols into the village of HOORZAI near the KOSH KAWA river. Maj Wight-Boycott, OC D Company said: “This operation was a huge success. The ANP performed extremely well and showed the people that they are there to protect them.” One local elder commented: “Seeing the ANP in this area was very refreshing. It reminded us that there are people out there who are looking out for us.”
TFH KEY ACTIVITY NOV 10 CF LKG (2 SCOTS) Eid al Adda is a special time for Muslims, when they gather together with their families and celebrate this holy festival. Part of the Eid festivities sees Muslims giving gifts to one another as well as to some of the poorest families in their area in the spirit of charity. As a show of solidarity with the people who have welcomed them into their country, 2 SCOTS purchased gifts to distribute to the poorest families in their AO. Capt George Vlachonikolis sampling the local wares. Gifts being distributed to local people.
9 TFH KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 3/215 BRIGADE ADVISOR GROUP (1 IG) Op ZAMROD ZHEMAY was a partnered operation to build a check point in Nad-e-Ali. 1 st Kandak of 3/215 Bde ANA, supported by their Irish Guards advisors, made a full contribution to security for the operation in concert with their 3 PARA partners. The success of the partnered operation demonstrates the ability of the ANA Kandak to plan and execute a largely self-sustained 3 week expeditionary operation.
10 TFH KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 3/215 BRIGADE ADVISOR GROUP (1 IG) Op ZAMROD ZHEMAY key points: ANA engaged in joint planning, adding to the ISAF mission intent and scheme of manoeuvre. Shura cordon and security patrols were provided by the ANA. ANA planned deployment from CP FOLAD to PB KHAMAAR. Key Leader engagements led by ANA. High ANA tactical standards.
TFH KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 3/215 BRIGADE ADVISOR GROUP (1 IG) 3 rd Brigade, 215 (Maiwand) Corps celebrate Eid in Camp Shorabak with the Advisor Group from 1st Battalion Irish Guards Battle Group.
TFH KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 PDATT (5 SCOTS) ANP join ISAF on Op ZAMARY KARGHA 40 ANP Patrolmen from the 2 nd Kandak responsible for security of Route 601 joined D Coy 5 SCOTS on 2 SCOTS’ Op ZAMARY KARGHA this week. Maj Nick Wight-Boycott, OC D COY 5 SCOTS, briefs an ANP commander on the next phase of the operation.
TFH KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 PDATT (5 SCOTS) Maj Nick Wight-Boycott and an ANP commander speak to locals in Hoorzai Village about security in the area. ANP join ISAF on Op ZAMARY KARGHA
TFH KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 PDATT (5 SCOTS) HPTC stands down for Eid al Adha Training at HPTC stood down this week to allow those on courses could go home for Eid. The 300 Patrolmen and NCOs currently in training return on Monday.
TFH KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 TFH Engr Gp (23 Engr Regt (Air Asslt)) The operation is an example of cooperation of ISAF, ANSF and the local community. Sappers are working alongside a team of civilian contractors and are also using Cash for Works to employ local civilians. ANP and ANA are manning check points to minimise disruption to civilian traffic. 9 Para Sqn RE has been heavily committed to an operation to build a route across the LOY MANDEH. In the clear phase, combat engineers provided explosive breaching to enable B and C Coys 2 SCOTS to break into insurgent strongholds. Holding work included the reinforcing of these compounds, the construction of sangers and the provision of life support. Route TRIDENT is now being extended across the Mandeh. The terrain is particularly challenging; plenty of airborne initiative is required.
TFH KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 C-IED TF Searchers begin clearance of first of 2 compounds. Once inside the team start the Interior compound clearance. Confirmation required for a possible find within the 1 st compound. OP OQAB JORAWEL A Royal Engineer Search Team recently completed a clearance of 2 compounds in the Lashkar Gar area. A total of 9 IEDs were found which were made safe by our IEDD team. Another successful ten day task for the CIED TF!
TFH KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 Joint Fires Group (7 Para RHA) A Royal Remembrance for 7 Para RHA A gun detachment from 7 Para RHA fired at the Remembrance Service at MOB BASTION; marking the beginning and end of the two minute silence. Afterwards HRH Prince William met and spoke with the detachment – no wedding invites were forthcoming though!
TFH KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 WARTHOG Gp (2RTR) 1 Troop continues to provide protection to the Route TRIDENT build. The WHG has proved itself capable in contact and the Troop is a considerable deterrent against the enemy. Squadron TAC continues to support 1 Troop in LOY ADERA On the very edge of the UK area 2 Troop patrols daily to defeat enemy activity. The Tankies fix and disrupt the insurgents by going everywhere the enemy doesn’t want to see ISAF troops. They also conduct shuras and regularly speak to the people at VCPs to reassure the local population. 2 Troop live in the desert, with only an occasional move in for a few hours of maintenance.
TFH KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 MASTIFF Gp (2RTR) “Mastiff Group: Mission is DEFEAT”. In Nad e Ali Mastiff has been used aggressively to support the infantry in defeating the insurgents this week. Mastiff is showcasing its capacity as an aggressive manoeuvre asset and force multiplier. Elsewhere in Helmand the Mastiff groups have been providing soft effects. Around Lashkar Gah Tank soldiers have been over-nighting with the ANP, helping to build the capacity of our allies with reassurance patrols around the city. Further work has been done assisting the Royal Engineers in assessing the state of the waterways in the district. Further on the theme of aiding the civil power the Mastiff groups facilitated further wheat distribution efforts on behalf of the Afghan government. The Tankies ended the week helping with the security of a rock concert in Lashkar Gah – an experience not to be missed!
KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 RAF Regiment 51 Sqn RAF Regt capped a successful week by interdicting and destroying an insurgent IED cell in their Area of Operations 51 Sqn commenced the handover to 15 Squadron and started their final week of their tour
KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 Joint Helicopter Force (A) 1310 Flt RAF Chinooks have undertaken further Rotary Wing Air Dispatch Training. The week saw a marked decrease in kinetic activity due to Eid celebrations
. KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV Sqn Provide Flexible Response Number 14 Sqn has again been called upon to support ISAF and UK ground troops with a graduated escalation of force. Shows of Force, ‘low and fast’ overhead flights, have delivered the ground commanders intent of deterring or disrupting insurgents, but they also provided direct fire against enemy forces with strafe attacks and Dual Mode Seeker Brimstone missiles. Additionally this week Troops in Contact have been assisted with more firepower when required with the use PaveWay IV bombs.
. KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 Op HERRICK12/13 RiP Draws to an End HERRICK 12/13 RiP has seen nearly troop-moves over an intense 2 month period, in order to keep the TFH Brigade,16 Air Assault Brigade for Op HERRICK 13, together as a fighting Unit. Movements have mostly been with the addition of body armour, combat helmet, personal individual weapon and 55 kg of baggage allowance. When considered that this achievement is approximately the relocation of the population from a town like Thetford or Otley then the scale of this mammoth undertaking becomes clear.
. KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 Force Multiplier of Combat Air Assets VC 10s from 101 Sqn based from 902 EAW’s Middle Eastern Airbase have had a busy week offloading fuel to aircraft from numerous coalition forces over Afghanistan. This essential ‘Force-Multiplier’ task has enabled Combat Aircraft to remain available for longer, and travel further, to assist ISAF and UK ground troops.
. KEY ACTIVITY 15 – 21 NOV 10 Reaper targets Insurgents 39 Sqn’s Reapers have continued to provide invaluable ISR over head cover for UK and ISAF ground troops this week throughout RC(S) and RC(SW). The information gained allows for not only detailed planning by Ground Commanders, but the Reaper’s ability to dynamically prosecute targets has again been put in use this week. UK and IASF Troops In Contact benefit from the Reapers impressive direct fire ability to attack positively identified enemy forces.