What is Climate? An area’s long term pattern of weather What factors would be needed to describe an area’s climate?
The 2 main factors that contribute to climate are Temperature Precipitation The average temperature is not enough. Highs and Lows are necessary to see the temperature range. The amount of rain and time of year rain falls.
Many factors can affect temperature and precipitation Climate Control Description Latitude Elevation Nearby Water Ocean Currents Topography Prevailing Winds Vegetation 0º to 90º on globe Amount above sea level Near oceans or lakes Cold or warm currents Near Mountain Ranges (Windward and Leeward) Global winds. (What kind of air are they bringing?) How many plants grow in an area
Latitude Affects all areas Temperature Precipitation The farther from the equator the cooler the temperature Precipitation Areas at HIGH PRESSURE (30º and 90º) are drier Areas at LOW PRESSURE (Oº and 60º) have more precipitaton
Elevation Effects mountains the most Temperature Precipitation The higher the elevation the cooler it is Precipitation The higher the elevation the drier it is
Nearby Water Effects areas near large water masses (oceans or large lakes) Temperature Water does not change temperature as much as land Less of a temperature range = milder climates Precipitation Rainfall is usually higher if the area is downwind
Ocean Currents Effects areas near the ocean Temperature Precipitation Warm Currents warm areas Cold currents cool areas Precipitation Areas near warm ocean currents may be prone to tropical storms
Topography Effects areas near mountains Leeward Windward Temperature: Cooler Precipitation: More Temperature: Warmer Precipitation: Less
Prevailing Winds Effects Mainly the Mid Latitudes Temperature It depends where the air is coming from If it is coming from a cold region the area will be colder Precipitation If it is coming from the ocean the area will have more precipitation