Drug recovery and PbR go together like… Russell Webster.


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Presentation transcript:

Drug recovery and PbR go together like… Russell Webster

1.Limited evidence base 2.Does put focus on outcomes 3.Vulnerable to gaming 4.Don’t know what good commissioning/contracts look like yet? What do we know about PbR?

1.Thou shalt commission for a single purpose 2.Thy outcomes shall be few 3.Thy metrics shall be simple 4.Thou shall not covet milestones 5.Thou shall not pay for deadweight The 10 Commandments of PbR

6.Profit shall not be thy God 7.Thou shall promote innovation 8.Thou shall share the fruits of thy labours 9.Thou shall join up commissioning 10.Thou shall not implement in haste The 10 Commandments of PbR

1.Recovery is hard to define 2.Recovery is hard to measure 3.Too many outcomes 4.Complexity is enemy of PbR 5.Milestones/Interim Measures 6.Fear of gaming = LASARs PbR problems for recovery

The Hippocratic Oath

PbR & Recovery go together like…