How co-operative service delivery can impact residents and communities? Clare Oakley
Why co-operation?
Co-operative Values Co-operatives throughout the world share a set of values that give them their distinctive character. Self-help - In co-operatives, people help each other whilst helping themselves by working together for mutual benefit. Self-responsibility - Individuals within co-operatives act responsibly and play a full part in the organisation. Democracy - A Co-operative will be structured so that members have control over the organisation – one member, one vote.
Co-operative Values Equality - Each member will have equal rights and benefits (according to their contribution). Equity - Members will be treated justly and fairly. Solidarity - Members will support each other and other co-operatives. Ethical Values - In the tradition of their founders, co- operative members believe in the ethical values of: Honesty Openness Social responsibility Caring for others
Co-operatives were born out of need
Why co-operatives and mutuals for public service?
Mutuals historic role in public services Key providers pre-Welfare State In decline 1940s to 1990s Many of today’s mutual insurers have their roots in the early provision of support
What do we mean by mutual today? Owned by and run for the benefit of their current and future members. People with shared interests coming together Members might be consumers, service users, employees or stakeholders from the whole community.
Mutuals and Public Service Purpose not profit Ownership shared amongst stakeholders Values
Our position Multi - stakeholder models should be considered A multi stakeholder model is one in which the membership is made up of a mix of employees and users/community
Multi stakeholder It’s a model which is more reflective of public ownership A greater sense of ownership can lead to more responsible use of services by users It provides the potential for more great ideas to drive the business (listen to your customers)
Multi stakeholder It can contribute to business success Products and services are developed which are more closely linked to the needs of users and communities and therefore more marketable The fact that service users own the business can in itself be an attractive USP for many service commissioners As some services move to personal budgets the ability to create ownership for users and tie them to the business can be crucial to success It can provide greater access to communities which in itself can be a saleable commodity It can deliver wider social objectives which are important for councils and government i.e. citizenship, cohesive communities and the development of wider skills
For residents and communities
Potential Benefits A sense of ownership and responsibility A real influence over the services delivered and the organisation which delivers them Great empowerment Better involvement with and understanding of democracy Personal development for individuals
Challenges A new relationship between councils and citizens Trust Power Engagement Councils become strategists, commissioners and enablers