Supporting Attainment in S4
Mrs P Lennon – Headteacher Mr D McNulty – DHT with responsibility for S4
S %27%26%24%23%31%24%32%27% %75.2%66.5%71.%68%73%71%73%72% %89.6%86.7%88%89%91%91%97%94% Lourdes Secondary SQA Results 2012 Lit/Num87%88%88%89%92%91%98%94%
S H 5+H2.3%4.2%6%8%4%6%10%7% Lourdes Secondary SQA Results H26.4%26.3%35.2%37%30%33%44%37% 3+H 3+H12.%18.5%19%19%13%16%24%18%
S H 3+H12%16%16%27%27%24%25%25% Lourdes Secondary SQA Results H 5+H8%10%10%17%19%16%13%16%
Lourdes Secondary Attendance /0909/1010/1111/ %90.8 Wider Achievement Joseph Rafter & Alana McKechnie Outstanding contribution to St Margaret of Scotland Youth Group Pilgrimage to Lourdes. “Amazing & brilliant!”
Evaluation Evaluation “The picture at Lourdes is really positive and I can see real improvements coming through at all levels, which is great…” Maureen McKenna Executive Director of Education August 2012
Supported Study Saturday morning classes Monitoring and Tracking Ongoing partnership with home
Attend supported study and Saturday morning workshops Use appropriate revision websites ◦ BBC Bitesize ◦ SQA website Work through past papers Homework Planner Attendance Target Setting ◦ Negotiated ◦ On Track Supported Study
Folios ◦ Computing ◦ English ◦ Graphics ◦ French Practical work o Accounts o Admin o Art o Biology o Chemistry o Physics o Music o PE
There are three elements to the course: ◦ Talk and Listening ◦ Reading ◦ Writing ◦ One third of the final grade is awarded for Talk and this is assessed internally. ◦ A folio of work consisting of five pieces of extended writing is completed by pupils and sent to SQA. This accounts for 1/3 of the exam. ◦ The external exam accounts for 1/3 of the overall grade.
SG French involves 4 elements - ◦ Speaking ◦ Reading ◦ Listening ◦ Writing Speaking is assessed by class teacher and accounts for 1/3 of overall mark Writing – Pupils complete a folio which is submitted to the SQA. This equals 1/6 of the mark. 50% of the overall grade is determined before the exam The final exam will cover reading and listening
Comprises of 3 components, each worth 1/3 of the final grade ◦ Knowledge and Interpretation ◦ Drawing Abilities ◦ Illustration & Presentation Illustration & Presentation is assessed through the pupil’s folio which completed by December 2/3 of the courses is therefore assessed at the external exam
Pupils must prepare a Folio of work before the Final Examination. This should include 5 pieces of coursework. It will consist of the following – ◦ One project ◦ Two pieces of programming work ◦ Two pieces of non-programming work This element will account for 40% of the final mark The final exam will account for the remaining 60% of the pupil’s grade
OctoberMonitoring exercise & report NovemberSupported Study Programme Dec Prelims JanuaryS4 full report JanuaryParents’ Evening FebConfirmation of levels Feb / MarchSupported Study Programme March Pastoral Care Interview Ongoing…..progress & attendance checks
11 th October – Issue of S4 Tracking Report 10 th – 19 th December – Prelims 24 th January – Full S4 Report issued 29 th January – S4 Parents’ Evening 26 th April – SQA exams begin Supported study is ongoing across the session Saturday Study Workshops to be arranged