BADGE Welcome to Hereford & Worcester Fire & Rescue Service
How does the Fire Service work? Fire & Rescue Service 24 hour – 4 watch cover Whole time, Day Crewed, Retained 27 Fire Stations in Hereford & Worcestershire
How does the Fire Service work? What number do you call? Who will answer? What will they say? What important information must you give? The Address What is on fire? Are any Landmarks nearby? Is anyone trapped or hurt?
What is Fire? FIRE
Fire Extinguishers
Clothes on fire?
Smoke detectors? A working smoke detector doubles a persons chance of surviving a fire!! Minimum of 1 detector on each floor Can be fitted in every room except kitchen, bathroom or garage Tested once a week Battery changed once a year or if low battery signal sounds
Your FIRE escape plan Plan it together
Fire escape plan?
Camping Fire Safety? Fires in tents spread very quickly, get everyone out straight away Call the Fire and Rescue Service and give the exact location Give a map reference if possible Give landmark such as farm or pub to help us find you
Camping Fire Safety?
General Fire Safety
Any Questions?