VOICE in writing is... what you say out loud, but written on paper sounds like you your unique style with words, phrases, sentences, and literary elements your unique view of the world your feelings, emotions, and opinions expressed in words
Example of VOICE vs. NO VOICE Voice She was out to control her words than experience them. She held the power over her words like a master who whips his dogs. Her words were well-disciplined, but they didnt lick me in the face. (Opsata,1994) NO VOICE Because the student was overly concerned with using proper grammar and punctuation, she failed to recognize the significance of using her own words. As a result, her paper appeared stiff. Rather than producing invigorating prose, she had successfully completed a mechanical task.
Tips for Developing Voice Write about something that is important to you. If your topic is assigned, find what interests you in the topic. Be yourself---sound genuine. Relax and have confidence. Use I if youre allowed. If youre not allowed, then at least think I. Practice freewriting without editing yourselfwrite freely in journals. Read your writing out loud to see how it sounds. Write with the intention of getting a reaction from the reader.
Think of it this way... Write your first draft with your heart and your gut. Do not consult your head. Revise your first draft with your head looking to make it better.