Year 7 Technology Home Learning Theme Parks Through this work we aim to encourage you to work independently, to improve your thinking skills and develop this project in a way that inspires you personally. To be completed by the end of January 2011 To be a minimum of 6 hours work Can be presented in a variety of ways and could be on one of these themes: A project with notes, research and design ideas of your own of what an ideal theme park would be like A power point presentation showing how roller coasters are designed, or the best rides you can find in Britain/America A model of a ride or part of a park- using Lego, Knex, card, paper straws etc A large poster reflecting your own designs and advertising the park Design a leaflet to show the attractions and including a map of the site You can look at just one aspect of theme parks or several e.g. ride design, park plans, catering, advertising, shops and souvenirs, costume design
NB This work can not be pages of information copied from the internet but some use of the internet is fine. Your teacher will offer you extra guidance if you wish at any stage of the project. These projects will be marked by the teacher you have at present and you will show your project to the rest of your class. The best projects will receive WHS vouchers, Head teacher praise post cards and reward points. At the end of the school year we will be holding a Technology Evening where the best work will be displayed for parents to see. This Home Learning is also shown on the school website so there is no excuse if you lose this sheet! Have fun with this project, doing which ever area interests you and produce your best work.
Research maps to help you design your own
Design a roller coaster Make a model, draw it or show it as a plan drawing
Design your own catering for teenagers at a theme park What food would you serve? How would the restaurant be organised? What would the packaging look like? What would the staff wear?
Design costumes for the people in the parades to wear. Design the float they might stand on.