Improving the wider social determinants of health in Sunderland through a network of Wellness Centres 2004 the Government white paper Choosing Health set out a clear framework for both Local Government & PCT’s to reduce health inequalities & to engage with communities to improve health In response SCC made the decision in 2004, to bring back ‘in house’ a successful fitness operation thus allowing SCC to work more closely with local partners, increase capacity to target more deprived communities & re-align to develop a ‘Wellness’ approach With one in each of the 6 regeneration areas Wellness Centres (WC’s) act as ‘hubs’ & link to other Wellness Services in the city Although they focus on prevention, a wide range of support programmes are available for individuals who are referred by their HCP
Objectives The aim of the WC’s is to increase the number of individuals participating in physical activity and thereby improve their health and well-being Ensure an innovative & integrated service approach is developed within WC’s to meet health needs of specific communities Support existing & potential providers to develop & deliver programmes within WC’s offering lifestyle advice, education & physical activity opportunities Reach more people through a joined up approach & integrated services Develop a range of preventative services, targeted interventions & pathways to support lifestyle change Improve people’s understanding of how to have a healthier lifestyle through education on healthy eating, losing weight, physical activity, smoking & alcohol Create opportunities for hard to reach groups within the community
Results All 6 WC’s, equipped with the latest Technogym equipment offer opportunities for all to participate in physical activity as well as receive support designed around their needs WC’s use the Wellness System, an interactive programme which helps users follow their personal goals, exercise programmes & progress The Wellness System can track performance & evidence the impact that physical activity has on individuals health 7,597 current WC members, of which 1,233 are under 19 April 07 – March 08 saw more than 300,000 attendances in WC’s by people 16+ WC are also the hub for rehab programmes delivered by City Hospitals Cardiac Rehab Team & the Orthopaedic Rehab Department
Conclusions Understanding the need of the target audience was fundamental, that our customer base required more than just a gym was extremely important when agreeing purpose of the WC’s A robust monitoring system has proved invaluable. The inclusion of the Wellness System allows the Wellness Service to begin to evidence the impact that programmes are contributing positively to individuals health & well-being & therefore in time contributing to reducing health inequalities The success of Wellness Centres led to its inclusion in a recent award submission for which SCC and STPCT were awarded Beacon status for Reducing Health Inequalities in “Sunderland has an excellent and innovative approach to reducing health inequalities that is underpinned by passion and commitment.” Beacon Panel - Improvement and Development Agency (2008)