1- State two functions of the xylem tissue
2- Identify the main component of the wall of a plant cell
3- Which word best describes a cell wall: Impermeable Semi-permeable Freely permeable Selectively permeable
4- Name two types of molecules present in the plasma membrane
5- Give the meaning of hydrophobic
6- State 2 functions carried out by the proteins of the cell membrane
7- red blood cell in very concentrated salt solution, solution is hypertonic or hypotonic?
8- What word is used to describe the effect of a hypertonic solution of sugar on red onion cells?
9- What is characteristic of active transport? (2 answers)
Answers 1- transport of water/ minerals + Structural support to the plant 2- Cellulose 3- Freely permeable 4- lipids and proteins 5- repelled by water/ water hating hypertonic 8-Plasmolysed 9- requires energy + against the concentration gradient.