LSP Executive Board Comprehensive Area Assessment ‘Emerging Picture’ Response 9 th June 2009 Jim Wilkie Deputy Chief Executive/ Director of Corporate Services Wirral Council
CAA – Emerging Picture Response Productive ongoing dialogue with the Audit Commission Valued contributions to response from across the Partnership LAA Development Group membership reviewed to ensure appropriate representation for CAA evidence gathering and sharing information 50 page response document submitted early June to inform development of ‘emerging picture’ Further work will be done following this meeting to address ongoing gaps in evidence and develop focused self-evaluation
CAA Question 1: how well do Wirral’s local priorities express community needs and aspirations? What is Wirral’s response? Community needs and aspirations key element of prioritisation process for our Local Area Agreement and at the heart of our Community Strategy Recognition that strengths in community engagement (Area Forums, Older People and Youth Parliaments) are being built on with a more co-ordinated strategic approach, delivered through the Comprehensive Engagement Strategy (CES) CES will put actions in place to ensure partnership approaches and mechanisms for joining up consultation and engagement (engagement toolkit, Compact) are fully embedded and will be a key driver for improved engagement through and with the third sector Wirral can demonstrate many examples of good practice in relation to community empowerment, engagement and participation across the partnership
CAA Question 1: how well do Wirral’s local priorities express community needs and aspirations? What is Wirral’s response? Many areas have already put in place mechanisms to understand how Wirral is narrowing the gap – included in response document Community Strategy contains overarching outcome measures in relation to the vision for Wirral A project team is in place and work underway to develop a performance management framework for the Community Strategy showing how longer-term outcomes will be monitored, bringing together measures from key plans and strategies (CYP Plan, health inequalities, etc.) – this will be used to health check of the SCS annually, to inform partner planning and LAA refresh and review. Critical mechanism for the partnership in delivering inequalities is also LAA delivery planning. Plans now completed for each improvement area / target in the LAA.
CAA Questions 2 & 3: How well are outcomes being delivered? Prospects for future improvement? A strong local economy - what is Wirral’s response? Wide ranging response to recession across partnership to support businesses and residents – multi-agency working group established ongoing reporting to LSP Executive. Measures include: Specific business support packages and activity, e.g. Business Conference, rate relief, support grants, employment and redundancy support and earlier access to programmes to help improve skills and employment prospects New apprenticeship programme Changes in HMRI and house building targets VCAW annual conference to highlight practical support from voluntary and community sector Tunnel tolls frozen Skills – increasing participation within economically deprived wards, apprenticeship scheme Worklessness – Focus of Working Wirral
CAA Questions 2 & 3: How well are outcomes being delivered? Prospects for future improvement? Safer stronger communities – what is Wirral’s response? Clear understanding of crime data and patterns. Establishment of Neighbourhood Policing. Respect area – drive against anti-social behaviour (ASB); 2008/09 full year performance 23% less ASB reports than target set Strategic approach to offender management and witness/ victim support Violence – approaches focus on perpetrators of domestic violence, young people and alcohol fuelled domestic violence and violence committed by young people. Violent crime targets have been met Assaults with less serious injury incidents reduced – 17% less reports than target set Wide range of road safety measures and campaigns. New Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service road traffic collision reduction strategy team. Significant progress reducing children KSI on our roads – 2010 target surpassed
CAA Questions 2 & 3: How well are outcomes being delivered? Prospects for future improvement? Health and wellbeing – what is Wirral’s response? Development of Health Inequalities Action Plan NHS Wirral - plans to reduce mortality relating to the major causes of the gap in life expectancy with substantial additional funding c.£75M over the next four years The most deprived areas of Wirral have been designated as a Health Action Area (HAA)- 5 HAA teams established to set up a programme of community activities that support healthy living Comprehensive alcohol treatment programme, young persons alcohol treatment and prevention programme
CAA Questions 2 & 3: How well are outcomes being delivered? Prospects for future improvement? Life chances for children and young people A wide range of initiatives, projects and activities to address the attainment gap Teenage conceptions – Priority Action Plan – focus on high impact areas. Additional £5.7M over 5 years to reduce teenage conceptions and implement new interventions. NEET – reducing but not as fast as regional and national figures. Effect of recession making achievement of target more difficult – preventative work and structured activities planned e.g. development of apprenticeship programme.
CAA Questions 2 & 3: How well are outcomes being delivered? Prospects for future improvement? A high quality living and working environment Narrowing the gap in cleanliness standards from 19% to 5% - SOA manager, additional cleansing + enhanced community engagement = achievement CO2 emissions – development of Sustainability Unit to coordinate partner activity to reduce emissions LTP congestion delivery plan – A522 to Birkenhead – better use of existing road space TravelWise Personal Travel Planning project to challenge around 10,000 households to opt for greener modes of travel to cut cost, time and carbon emissions from their journeys.
CAA Questions 2 & 3: How well are outcomes being delivered? Prospects for future improvement? Sustainable appropriate housing for all HMRI Pathfinder status, New Growth Point area and Affordable Housing Policy development Wirral housing priorities of market renewal, affordability, increasing supply, improving decency and meeting the needs of vulnerable people align with regional strategies. WPH major investment and regeneration programme Homelessness Strategy – developed in consultation with partners and stakeholders – focus on preventing homelessness and pro-active housing options Temporary accommodation NI156 – CLG 2010 target already met
Next Steps Overarching questions for this session might include: Does the board think that the emerging picture is an accurate representation of Wirral’s progress and current issues for the partnership? How is the board working together to tackle the issues raised by the Audit Commission? Are there any particular or significant outcomes / innovations not reflected in the emerging picture that we can highlight? Roundtable Discussion: Focus on evidencing the outcomes :
Next Steps Actions from Roundtable Discussion followed up by LAA Development Group Continuing dialogue with Audit Commission on emerging picture throughout summer and autumn September – cut off date for submission of evidence November – area assessment reports published Next steps:
Wirral Local Strategic Partnership Area Assessment Contacts: Jane Morgan, Policy Manager: E: T: Abi Pennington, Senior Policy & information Officer: E: T: