The Functional Skills-stating the obvious
Achievement at Level 2 = 57% Achievement at Level % Failure to achieve at Level 2 = 43% Failure to achieve at Level % Are we really meeting our learners’ needs at Key Stage 4?
Literacy and/or Numeracy across the Curriculum initiatives have been around ‘forever’ without universal success. The difference now? We have no choice...
Government driven employers’ expectations of Functional Skills are high performance statistics will be affected knock-on effect funding. Learners and their parents understand the importance of their core, basic skills.
“ ‘Functional skills’ are those core elements of English, mathematics and ICT that provide an individual with the essential knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life, education and work.” QCA 2006
Implications for the Curriculum: A levels National Curriculum Foundation Learning Tier Diploma GCSEs Apprenticeships Key Stage 4 Key Stage 3 Extended project KS 4 Engagement Programme Functional Skills 1 National Strategies
Functional skills are developmental and build on previous learning. Without the underpinning skills only limited functionality can ever be achieved. The full range, at the appropriate level, must be mastered. Our learners must meet the full range. Where, how and what will they be taught? By whom? What do we need to do in-house and what in collaboration?.
The Three-Stage Process Practise Build Master Discrete? Embedded? Blend of the two? 5 Ws & how? How to determine the level? What initial assessment? Formative assessment? Who? When? What? How Summative Assessment-which Awarding Org? Opportunities to demonstrate mastery in different contexts?
Some Models of Delivery 100% Discrete Taught by subject specialists 100% Embedded Taught by vocational specialists Mixture of the two Teachers collaborate on planning, skills developed & mapped; teaching methods shared. Mutual understanding improved. Clarity on who is teaching what is essential. References to skills taught and used in other subjects help learners to recognise transferable skills and aid mastery.
The Levels put simply. In developing the mastery required to transfer skills with confidence, learners move through three stages of dealing with problems : – familiar problems in familiar contexts…(Entry) – unfamiliar problems in familiar settings;(L1) – unfamiliar problems in unfamiliar contexts.(L2) Teaching and learning key skills (KSSP Learning for Work 2004)
Entry 3 Example Explain to the learner that Yellow Pages or similar directories are normally delivered by part time workers. Ask the learner the following questions: “Three friends have 273 Yellow Pages to deliver. If they share the work equally, how many is that each?” “There are 10 Yellow Pages books in a shrink wrapped pack. How many books are there in 5 packs?” Standards Select mathematics to obtain answers to simple, given practical problems that are clear and routine. Understand simple practical problems in familiar and accessible contexts The standards broken into chunks. 3.1 Select and Use mathematical methods to get answers to given practical problems 1.1 Identify Practical problems involving mathematics in familiar and accessible Contexts.
Entry 3 Independently read and understand straightforward texts for a purpose understand the main points of texts (including diagrams or graphical representations). obtain specific information through detailed reading. scan texts and use organisational features to locate information (e.g. contents, index, menus). use strategies to read, understand texts in different formats (e.g. web page, application form) In texts that inform, instruct, describe and narrate, on paper and on screen.
As learners progress through the stages of learning, the depth and complexity of skills-development and problem-solving increases. Complexity
What level(s)? Scenario Your company is updating its web site and needs new pictures of staff at work. It has been decided to buy a digital camera and you have been asked to investigate the purchase. Task The budget is limited and you want to get best value for money so you will need to compare cameras according to cost and how far they meet your requirements. Present your findings to your line manager.
Level 2 Compare, select, read and understand texts and use them to gather information, ideas, arguments and opinions. Level 2 Write documents, including extended writing pieces, communicating information, ideas and opinions, effectively and persuasively. Level 1 Identify and obtain necessary information to tackle the problem. Select and apply mathematics in an organised way to find solutions to practical problems for different purposes. Use appropriate checking procedures at each stage. Interpret and communicate solutions to to practical problems, drawing simple conclusions and giving explanations. Level1 Interact with and use ICT systems independently to meet needs. Bring together information to suit content and purpose. Present information in ways that are fit for purpose and audience. Evaluate the effectiveness of ICT tools to meet presentation needs. Review and modify work as it progresses to ensure the result is fit for purpose.
Facts Stand-alone qualifications in their own right. Available at three levels: Entry, Level 1, Level 2. Assessments are being piloted until 2010 – awarding organisations each piloting different methods. The common, known features are that assessments are externally set and task-based. Pass or Fail only.
GCSE in English, Maths, ICT grades A* to C. Central to Foundation Learning Tier. Central to achievement of specialised diplomas. Performance tables Funding Significant impact:
Examples of Support available in Bradford Nationally and regionally: Functional Skills Support Programme-can be accessed via Centre for Learning Excellence (CLE) web site. In-house delivery of pre-packaged training sessions available. Locally: Funky Skills network. Diploma-specific FS network- identified by DCSF as good practice. In-house delivery of Nat.Strat. Training offered by School Improvement consultants. CLE bespoke & customised to organisations, ‘Your time, Your place, Your agenda’. Train the Trainers is currently being planned – see summary sheet in delegates’ packs. CLE web site: updated weekly to provide a ‘one-stop’ shop for in Bradford and District.