Blended Professionals: Stirred but not shaken Professor John Storan & Tony Hudson Continuum, University of East London.


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Presentation transcript:

Blended Professionals: Stirred but not shaken Professor John Storan & Tony Hudson Continuum, University of East London

Outline of workshop Context Research –Aims & Objectives –Methodology –Findings Next steps

Context Drivers – staff development HEFCE Human Resource Funding The Higher Education Academy Institutional Audit Role evaluation (e.g. HERA) Institutional appraisal schemes (SDRs) Investors in People (IiP) WP Strategic Assessments (WPSA)

Research - Aims & Objectives Identify Previous education, learning and training Current learning activities Training and learning needs Preferred methods delivery and accreditation Explore Integration and recognition within institution Notions of identity and professionalism

Research - Methodology Exploratory pilot study Data collection methods –On-line survey (CASI) –Focus groups Respondents - Staff managing: –Student ambassadors –Mentors /mentoring schemes

Findings - Demographics Age – 44% under 30 Gender – 74% female HE Experience -71% 1 st generation Disability – 7% disability Ethnicity – 85% white British

Findings- Employment Employer – 81% employed by HEI (42% in post 1992 HEI, 39% pre 1992 HEI) Contract – approximately 66% of respondents are full time and 33% of all respondents have a permanent contract Previous experience – just under 75% have previous experience of sector Professional? - 85% Do, 8% Don’t and 7% Don’t know

Findings – Institutional Support & Recognition Integration - 74% agree or strongly agree that they feel part (integrated) into their institution Recognition - 58% agree or strongly agree that their work is recognised by their institution. Valued -64% agree or strongly agree that their work is valued by their institution Support – 72% agree or strongly agree that their work is supported….but by colleagues and line manager

Findings - Previous Education, Training & Learning Qualifications (level and subject) Current learning activities Previous training and development Barriers to learning

Findings - Education, Training & Learning Needs Training needs Preferred methods of delivery and assessment Barriers to engaging in further learning and development Career plans

Findings – Identity & Place How would you describe yourself ‘Educational entrepreneur” ‘I say to people “I work with kids.” People say, “That’s nice.” How does your institutional setting impact upon your work? It impacts greatly- how the work I am responsible for is perceived and how/ when the university does or doesn't support it particularly has a massive impact. (Pre ’92 Institution)

New identities – new spaces Blended professionals –Translators –Cross/don’t recognize boundaries Emergence of third space –Usefulness as a concept to understand working practices (Whitchurch, C., 2008)

Some questions for you What are the opportunities and challenges offered by third space? –For individuals –For institutions The nature of third space management and leadership. Career and professional development for third space professionals

Next steps More detailed analysis of: Quantitative data (survey) Qualitative data (focus groups) Further research with ambassadors and mentor Developing training materials Pilot sites for delivery Evaluation