Council for Aluminium in Building Norwich Breakfast Meeting Making Successful Buildings a Success for Everyone
Making Successful Buildings a Success for Everyone Robert Dale Bsc(Hons) CEMDipFM FRICS FBEng Partner, Daniel Connal Partnership
What makes a successful building?
Vitruvius: “A well building hath three conditions, firmness, commodity & delight Today also needs to be sustainable
A Successful building – But was it a successful project? Deliver the building the client needs Built safely without any deaths or serious injury On time On budget – profitable for all parties Without dispute
Delivering the building the client needs Clear & achievable A practical response to the brief Communicate how the design is to be achieved Brief Design Specification
Delivering the building the client needs Vdara Hotel & Spa in Las Vegas
Delivering the building safely Safety considered in design Planning and implementation
Delivering the building safely The Aswan Dam
Delivering the building on time A realistic programme The appropriate procurement route Effective project & construction management
Delivering the building on time The Scottish Parliament
Delivering the building on budget Accurate estimating Unambiguous specification Tendering procedures Contract management -the fours C’s Co-ordination, Co-operation, Communication and Compromise
The Albert Memorial Architect: Sir George Gilbert Scott
Biggest risks to a successful project Conflict, disagreement & disputes Time Money
Importance of a good specification to reduce risks & avoid conflict The Specification – Needs to communicate how the design is to be achieved and define what the client is buying. To do this it needs to cover Scope, Quality, Activity & Responsibility
The problems of a poor specification No level playing field at tender stage Performance not defined Design responsibilities unclear So what can you do if you receive a poor specification?
Effects of Procurement on Specification Bills of Quantities or Drawings & Spec Design & Build Two-stage tendering Partnering
Contract Terms Whose terms & conditions? Paid when paid clauses Completion dates & retention Liquidated & Ascertained Damages Delays Loss & Expense
Making Successful Buildings a Success for Everyone Conclusion Provide early specification advice Be-proactive with design teams – Budgetary advice – Specifications & alternatives – Buildability The 4 C’s of Contract Management Read the contract
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