Wendy Munro – LLN Progression Co-ordinator Building bridges or jumping through hoops
What are Lifelong Learning Networks? HEFCE Funded Higher Education Institution (HEI) – led networks to increase the number of vocational learners progressing into and through higher education Staffordshire University (lead), in partnership with: Keele University University of Wolverhampton Open University Harper Adams University college 15 FE Colleges Other stakeholders – LSC, OCN, Local Authorities, etc.
A reminder of the aims of LLNs ‘The overall objective for Lifelong Learning Networks (LLNs) is to improve the coherence, clarity and certainty of progression opportunities for vocational learners into and through higher education.’ ‘Curriculum development to facilitate progression: alignment that removes barriers to progression and bridging provision that forms part of the HE offer; and new HE curriculum development involving employers (foundation degrees, work-based learning, e-learning, collaborative modules).’
Case study - Michelle Michelle is 44 years old, married with grown up children Manager in a nursery setting Employers state she has to have foundation degree in Early years No experience of HE Not completed any formal study for many years Feels studying at HE is beyond her She is terrified of the computer and refuses to switch it on Was completely freaked out! By the end of the induction she was in tears!!!
Develop and deliver module collaboratively with FE colleagues Research and evaluation with first 45 learners Recommendations and assess: Usefulness Progression into HE Retention
One solution 1.Module outline: 15 credits - level 0 and level 4 24 hours contact Additional tutorials 2. Module content Research, critical thinking skills, reflective learning, academic writing Language of HE/ expectation of progression 3. Module delivery Varied – 8 workshop sessions with CD ROM of learning materials CD ROM formed basis of sessions and materials used in workshops and independently by learner 4. Module assessment 100% portfolio – using ‘worked on’ materials from CD ROM + 2 pieces of writing (1,000 words) Reflective writing (500 words) + action plan
Recommendations Course evaluated extremely well with learners and tutors Address problems learners may have e.g. childcare, location. Look at alternative modes of delivery e.g. blended, on-line Ensure learners have access to IT Consider running the course embedded in a foundation degree
The Research Literature review Scoping Focus Groups questionnaires Database search of peer reviewed articles – (2,000) 18 articles reviewed Detail collected included aims and findings Look to see if this type of work existed across the LLN 2 focus groups carried out with FE delivery staff and HEIs Main themes: barriers to learning, delivery, retention and progression Pre and post questionnaires with learners 45 pre 39 post
What next? Established the module is useful to learners Does it encourage learners to think about progression into HE? Confidence and insight Has it helped them once they are there? - The right skills and retention Can we sustain it?
Michelle - the update! She went on to complete the course including a presentation and a power point slide Spoke at a Staffordshire University meetings about her experiences She has started her foundation degree And is enjoying it!