1- What is the element required for amino acid synthesis?
2- Which element is a component of chlorophyll?
3-Which element is missing when leaf are dying prematurely?
4-Which elements are missing when plants develop red leaf bases?
5-Which element results in anemia when in shortage?
6-Which drug result in limb deformities when taken during pregnancy?
7- A plant which needs a minimum number of hours of darkness (or more) to flower is called what?
8- Example of a long day plant.
9- What is the name given to plants which grow in the absence of light
10- How does the length of daylight affect the biology of mammals?
1- Nitrogen 2- Magnesium 3- Potassium 4- Phosphorus and nitrogen 5- Iron 6- Thalidomide 7- Short day plant 8- Spinach 9- Etiolation 10- Gonad development