Weymouth & Portland Green Infrastructure Our Natural Health Service 3 February 2010
Green Infrastructure in Weymouth & Portland Introduction – Weymouth and Portland Planning context – Local Development Framework Core Strategy – what is it ? Developing a Green Infrastructure Network Green Space Strategy What we are doing at moment – Green Flag Status, Friends Groups Future Challenges
Local Development Framework Folder of local development documents prepared by the Borough that outline the spatial strategy for the local area Basis for determining how planning system will shape community Core strategy is main spatial framework and other documents and evidence support and underpin proposals. Two tiered system- Regional Spatial strategy sets out amount of new development in terms of housing/employment etc that the Borough is expected to accommodate. ( 280 houses per year up to 2026 – 250 Weymouth /30 Portland) Creating Sustainable communities is whole basis on which policies are formulated.
What makes up our Core Strategy? Core Strategy ‘Options’ Consultation Document Draft Interim Sustainability Appraisal Equalities Impact Assessment Health Impact Assessment 12 Issues Papers & background research
Rather than just land uses have to consider wider social inclusion, health and well being issues. One of the objectives is: to improve the health and well being of residents by ensuring access to active space, sport and recreation, and areas to grow food. Principles of good design and place making acknowledge the importance of access to the natural environment, space for sport and recreation, being able to walk and cycle, and social meeting places in creating a sense of wellbeing and social cohesion. Core strategy includes whole range of options which provide opportunities to have a more active life style and also have other benefits. EG- Encouraging walking and cycling improves health, cuts traffic congestion, reduces CO2 emissions and improves air quality: Protection and enhancement of multi functional green spaces provides areas for people to be more active, creates sense of well being improving mental health and mitigates against climate change (tree planting, microclimate, biodiversity.) As part of the Core Strategy we have identified Green Infrastructure network throughout the Borough Core strategy - objectives
Core strategy options OPTION EN2 -To improve the connectivity between wildlife corridors, protect habitats and important open gaps, and improve access to green space a network of green infrastructure has been identified on the key diagram that will be remain open and undeveloped. Option CM1 – All residential development will be required to contribute to open space provision, sport and recreation provision……….. Option EN3 – A country park is proposed in the Lorton valley. This will include an ecological mitigation area to be provided in conjunction with the Weymouth Relief Road along with enhanced public access for informal recreational and educational purposes will be provided. Option TR1- A package of measures including restrictions together with enhancements, improvements and prioritisation, will be delivered to increase walking, cycling and public transport use, and minimise congestion. Option iD1 – All new development should assist in creating sustainable communities. A planning obligations package will be developed to meet the needs of the local community generated by new development…….. Will be expected to contribute to: - Sport recreation, open space and biodiversity provision, management or enhancement -Art & Design improvements to public realm - network and transport improvements -Flooding and coastal defences in Weymouth town centre -community infrastructure – education/community facilities.
PPG17 Assessment – supply and demand analysis for open spaces, sport and recreation facilities. Audit of existing and identification of whether there is a need for the provision through research and consultation. Identify provision standards for new developments. Parks and gardens Semi-natural green spaces Green corridors Amenity green space Allotments, community gardens and city farms Cemeteries, disused church yards and burial grounds Civic space Beaches Biodiversity studies National and International designations Local designations Developing a Green Infrastructure Network
Key to successful green space and facilities that will improve health and well being is successful management and maintenance. A space/corridor/facility will not be used if it is badly maintained, feels threatening, is ‘owned’ by one section of the community, and is badly sited. How we manage and maintain is a key challenge especially is current and worsening public finance regime. Green Space Strategy that:- -is agreed and owned by the community -Identifies where and what type of space is valued and needed. -sets out mechanisms for achieving the strategy in terms of management/maintenance and future development. Sources – Local Authority Revenue funding, Grants, disposal of unpopular areas to fund new areas. -Review and monitoring Protecting and maintaining GI Network
What we are doing now At the moment concentrating on fewer sites but doing then better. Green flag status – benchmark for assessing quality of a space Friends Groups. – Lodmoor Country Park, Nothe gardens, Rodwell Trail, Greenhill gardens, Radipole Park and gardens, Victoria Gardens, Easton Community Group. Produce a GREEN SPACE STRATEGY 2011
GREEN FLAG CRITERIA A welcoming place First impressions are all too important and the site should look inviting. Issues that must be considered are: Good and safe access, Welcoming, Signage, and equal access for all. Healthy, safe and secure It is of paramount importance that the site is safe. Issues such as: personal security, safe equipment and facilities, appropriate level of facilities and dog fouling must be considered Clean and well maintained There should be an appropriate standard of maintenance throughout the site and effective management skills to combat issues including: litter and waste management, overall standard of maintenance including graffiti and vandalism. Sustainability Judges will examine environmental issues such as peat and pesticide use, sustainable material use and waste minimisation. Biodiversity and heritage Each green space is unique and has its own character. The judges will be identifying the nature of conservation and historic feature value of the site, and what measures have been taken up to increase this where appropriate. Community involvement This is a key criterion for the Green Pennant Award® as it looks to how well the site relates and encompasses the local and wider community. Management/Achievements Here, judges will be looking at what you have achieved, not only in terms of managing the green space, but also what funding and resources you have secured and how you have used them. How creative and innovative you have been with projects on your site will also be of interest here.
Challenges for the future Continued protection and enhancement of green spaces Management and future development in light of shrinking public finances Management of biodiversity areas Review of Green Space Strategy
Sailing Events at Portland Harbour & Weymouth Bay