Adult Health and Social Care Forum Wednesday 29 January Cambridge House.


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Presentation transcript:

Adult Health and Social Care Forum Wednesday 29 January Cambridge House

 Andy Boaden, CAS

“Co-production means delivering public services in an equal and reciprocal relationship between professionals, people using services, their families and their neighbours. Where activities are co-produced in this way, both services and neighbourhoods become far more effective agents of change.” NESTA, Coproduction Catalogue

 Adult Social Care review of the way the Council, service providers and service users work together to design and deliver services  CAS to give VCS perspective of current working relationships & recommend how these could develop

 150 organisations surveyed  33 survey responses  10 organisations interviewed  Report submitted to Southwark Adult Social Care

 93% of orgs work with Adult Social Care, most commonly to identify need.  ~50% of orgs agreed that ASC engage at the right time & on the important things  Only 33% agreed enough time given to contribute and whether the contributions were used effectively  More flexible engagement & resources to work with minority communities  Appetite for VCS to do more!

 ASC communications fair to good on relevance, timing & clarity  CAS bulletins & forums & ASC stakeholder events most common way to keep up with developments  VCS need voice at strategic level but efficacy of the strategic partnership boards questions

 Engaged at the earliest possible stage  Joint long term vision for design and delivery of social care services.  Open, transparent and accountable.  VCS representation should be reflective of the diversity of local communities  Investment in developing providers, networks, innovation & collaboration  Greater integration

 The Health and Wellbeing Board should endorse coproduction  CAS & Adult Social Care to explore how to make communications fuller, more structured and cohesive  Engagement work to be conducted around themes rather than client groups

 Supporting and developing established networks and community groups  More joint ASC/Clinical Commissioning Group engagement work and commissioning.

 Training for organisations to co-produce with their service users  The Innovation Fund

 Adult Social Care Senior Management to review report & recommendations  Inform ASC coproduction strategy  CAS to monitor progress and report back via health and social care network  Questions?