Children, Young People & Families forum 10 October 2013 Phil Mawhinney Community Action Southwark.


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Presentation transcript:

Children, Young People & Families forum 10 October 2013 Phil Mawhinney Community Action Southwark

Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS) Reps Opportunity to bring to the council via Reps – issues, concerns ideas, best practice Children, young people & families Reps Natalia Sali (Contact A Family) Children & Families Trust Gordon McCullough (CAS) Health & Wellbeing Board, Safeguarding Children Executive Board Carolyn Martin (Family Action) Corporate Parenting Committee, Safeguarding Children Main Board Florence Emakpose (World of Hope) Safeguarding – Child Sexual Exploitation subgroup Phil Mawhinney (CAS) Safeguarding Children Main Board, ProActive Southwark (sports + physical activity) Ian Redding (Peckham Voluntary Sector Forum) Safer Southwark Partnership Hazel Saunders (Faces in Focus) Family Focus Plus (Troubled Families)

4. Policy ‘Dispatches’

VCS Reps Guide questions – 1.What support or policy changes does your organisation need? 2.What support or policy changes do your service users need? Training Commissioning + grants SEN + disability Health outcomes Youth services Early years Children in care Safeguarding Crime Gaps in services

Phil Mawhinney Policy & Participation Officer Community Action Southwark Contact VCS Reps – Contact