Effective Approaches to E&D Training Welcome and Introduction Chris Donkin Providing facilitation support for the Lincolnshire and Rutland Public Sector Compact
What constitutes effective E&D Training What should I include ?
Legislative Requirements Equality legislation in the UK states that ALL workers in statutory bodies should understand: oCurrent legislation oEquality legislation framework oPositive duties – general and specific oEquality Impact assessments
Disability Symbol Holders There are certain requirements of Disability Symbol holders that all staff should be aware of: To interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for the job vacancy and consider them on their abilities To ensure there is a mechanism in place to discuss, at any time, but at least once a year, with disabled employees what you and they can do to make sure they can develop and use their abilities To make every effort when employees become disabled to make sure they stay in employment To take action to ensure that all employees develop the appropriate level of disability awareness needed to make your commitments to work Each year, to review the five commitments and what has been achieved, to plan way to improve on them and let employees and Jobcentre Plus know about progress and future plans
What staff need oResearch with staff in the statutory sector shows a lack of understanding in the following areas: Understanding what ‘Equality’ and ‘Diversity’ (separately) mean Recognising cultural differences and acting accordingly What are the six strands of Equality and Diversity and what do they mean Understanding of organisational policies and their links to Equality and Diversity legislation How to link E and D to their own role
Managers also need oTraining on Equality Impact Assessments and other legal obligations oHow to involve staff and patients in active consultation on equality issues oHow to link equality and diversity issues into staff appraisals and personal development plans oTo understand the business case for equality and diversity
Other good practice issues.. oLinking equality and diversity training into other training courses e.g. customer care, leadership, conflict resolution oDemystifying E and D – it’s not a scary subject! oUnderstanding local demographics oMyth-busting oCommunity involvement – training on E and D should not be all delivered by white, middle-class, university educated, non- disabled heterosexuals!
… and Finally Make it interesting oUse a range of different people from different backgrounds oUse quizzes and interactive tools oUse e-learning and distance learning as well as face to face oIt’s a serious subject – enjoy it!
Acknowledgement This presentation has been plagiarised from a presentation given by Karen Austin – the Organisation Development Manager (Equality and Diversity) of Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust … Many thanks to Karen …