Network Meeting Thursday 6 th December 2012 Working in Partnership to support progression
Synopsis The County Durham Learning Provider Network is aiming to provide an all inclusive, modern, responsive transition and progression process and service for schools, providers, learners and carers to support those young people, currently engaged, to stay in education, learning, training and employment and make meaningful positive progression.
The rational – why we applied for funding to run a pilot The CDLPN intervention is aimed at those learners who have been in or are in education and training and are at risk of disengagement. Support is given on referral or contact basis. There is no longer a Connexions Service in County Durham which emphasises the need to keep in touch with engaged and disengaging learners. In County Durham there is an increase in numbers of young people who become NEET or NOT KNOWN at 17+ having previously been in Education, Employment and or Training. There is currently limited and very low progression from Steps for Success (FL) programmes to apprenticeships. There is provider evidence that progression rates at point of leaving are higher than 6 weeks later. The Study Programme is a destination led programme (September 2013). This will necessitate greater partnership working and learners potentially accessing various providers to complete their destination plan.
The Aims of onTrack To reduce the numbers of achieving and non achieving young people who disengage or leave CDLPN member provision without alternative positive progression. To help and support providers, learners and their carers to access the additional sources of advice and guidance
The Objectives of onTrack To provide additional, independent support to young people to help them stay in training and employment. To keep or return the dis- engaging young person with/ to their original provider. To ‘catch’ the young person at the point of dis-engagement i.e. day 1 To support WBL learners to make the correct transition to alternative provision when re –engagement with their initial provider has failed. To provide an additional method of maintaining contact with young people after they have left CDLPN members’ provision. To use the appropriate forums to advise ex and current learners of potential sources of advice for future progression. To work at a local level to support a young person to maintain their involvement with ed ucation, training or employment.
A simplified process for onTrack referrals and outcomes One Point and LA to have access to stats and information
What is onTrack and who can access the service? CDLPN Members County Durham Schools – to assist transition of learners to WBL provision County Durham Learners who are in WBL provision Statutory Agencies, One Point, Carers, parents and employers of County Durham WB learners A multifaceted support and process programme, staffed with fully qualified (IAG Level 4 minimum) case workers, to facilitate a seamless transition both to and from post 16 work based learning and education.
What onTrack is and is not!!!! Will not work with NEETS Will not encourage learners to leave their current provision. Will not duplicate any current WBL provision support processes Will work with young people who are in WBL provision Will work with young people intending to make the transition to WBL Will immediately transfer young people to statutory of funded agencies. Will provide feedback to the referring agencies once a case is closed off
The impacts of onTrack will be A reduction year on year of the % of young people who disengage or leave provision (achieving and non- achieving) without an alternative positive progression. Working in partnership with statutory agencies to achieve a more cohesive transition and progression process i.e. NuTrax, One Point and NCS Reduction of the number of young people who enter the 17+ NEET cohort post achievement. Assisting a number of young people to stay on their destination route to achieve higher level qualifications. Improved retention and positive progression.
How are we going to do this? 1.We have appointed Project workers for 6 months up to 50 hours per week. 2.We are still developing a proactive web site – some teething problems but hopeful everything will be ready for 6 th January The Project caseworkers will engage with our providers and set them up with log ins and training on how to set up assessors and make the referrals. 4.We will have statistics at provider (accessible to the provider), caseworker and overall level to monitor the impact and financial cost of the project. 5.Providers, learners etc can be given Business Cards, lnd other promotional materials for learners to keep and access the service after leaving their provider.
The referral form
Next Steps 1.Providers and agencies which think they will refer or receive referrals need to contact now to make an appointment with an allocated project caseworker. 2.Providers and referral/receiving agencies will set up their own tutors etc. 3.We will then be able to take referrals starting January We will be launching onTrack for users w/c 14 th January 2013.
Problems !!!!!! 1.Until we start we do not know the demand. 2.There is limited finance for the project based on funding received from LSIS and LA and supported by CDLPN assets. 3.LONG TERM SUSTAINABILITY ??????