Ultimate or Mundane Questions? What happens to people after they die? Does whether you do good or bad things make a difference? Does life have any purpose?Are we alone in the universe? Should I have sugar in my tea?How did the world begin? Does God exist?What am I doing this weekend?
Creation-Genesis God created light, and separated light from darkness. Creating night and day. He separated the heaven and the earth 1 2
He parted the waters and created land to separate the waters. Then he created plants and trees. Created the sun and the moon and stars – to divide day from night. 3 4
God created birds and fish God created creatures – all the animals of the world. Then last God created man and women ‘in the image of God’. 5 6
Creation: Day 7 On the seventh day of creation God rested. Seventh Day of Creation:
Arguments AGAINST Big Bang To create the Big Bang the temperatures of atoms and the amount of energy had to be exact, this points to a design and God must be the designer. Something must have caused the Big Bang. The world is to complicated to be just gas and atoms. It cannot just have been an accident. God created the Earth in Seven Days as it says in Genesis Arguments FOR Big Bang The world was simply created by chance. Atoms collided at a certain temperature and that is all, there is no God. Science says that the universe is getting bigger all of the time and new stars are being developed which shows that it must have been caused by the Big Bang because it is growing. Science proves it.
What is the difference between knowledge and belief? Means to have knowledge or information. You can prove something through observations or information. Means you accept something as true, but you do not have absolute proof that you are right in doing so.
Beliefs Beliefs are based on theological truths Theological Truths- beliefs about God Can you think of an example of a theological truth Christians believe in?
Scientific Truths Are based on studies and observations Can you think of a scientific fact?
God as a Creator Many argue they can see God at work in our universe even today IN THE BEAUTY AND UNIQUENESS OF NATURE
Wonder and Awe Wonder and Awe is that WOW moment When you see something so special in nature that it feels like a privilege When have you felt this moment?
“ Stewardship is the responsible planning and management of the natural resources God has given us. We must respect and protect these gifts from God and protect them for future generations ” “The earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.” ― Pope John Paul IIJohn Paul II
Christians believe we should be stewards towards the world. What do you think this means? Hint :- Think about the job of a steward at a football event or a concert/ festival. What do they have to do?
Christians believe that human beings are stewards and we should care for the world and it is our responsibility to do this.
Think of 8 ways we are good stewards and eight ways we are not good stewards
Do you check cosmetics/soaps etc aren’t tested on animals Eat meat? Eat organic foods? Recycle? Buy fair trade? Never drop litter? Are you a steward of the earth?