VC2D VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 1 Vector Control Module 2D Other arthropods
VC2D VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 2 VectorDiseases Lice Fleas Bedbugs Ticks Rodent (mites) Rodent (fleas) Endemic typhus, severe skin irritation, relapsing fever Mechanical vector for Severe skin inflammation Rickettsial fever, tularaemia, relapsing fever, viral encephalitis, borreliosis, Lymes disease, scrub typhus. Rickettsial pox, scabies, or spotted fever, Bubonic plague, endemic typhus; Rat bite fever, Lassa fever, leptospirosis or Weil’s disease, salmonellosis, melioidosis.
VC2D VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 3 3 types –Body louse –Head louse –Pubic louse (crabs) Typus transmitted by body louse’s faeces Lice
VC2D VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 4 Body louse Females lay eggs on clothing especially underwear Itching allows contaminated faeces to penetrate skin may cause Typhus Take care handling clothing and bedding
VC2D VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 5 Head lice and flea infestations cause skin and head infections. Fleas can also transmit plague virus Head lice larvae collected from the persons hair Head Lice
VC2D VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training Fleas Rat fleas Human fleas Eggs hatch in dust after 2-14 days Can jump up to 30cm to bite Survive up to 4 months without biting Adult flea: 1-4 mm
VC2D VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 7 Fleas Dozen species take human blood meal Can carry parasitic tapeworm Linked to bubonic plague
VC2D VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 8 Ticks Pictures from and Ticks should be removed with tweezers as soon as they are spotted
VC2D VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 9 Mites Scabies Mites cause scabies and other common skin infections.
VC2D VC WASH Cluster – Emergency Training 10 Control method VectorMethod of control LiceTreatment of hair, clothing and bedding See module FleasIndoor and outdoor residual treatment See module TicksIndoor and outdoor residual treatment See module MitesBiting mites – outdoor residual treatment Scabies mites – personal hygiene See module