How can potential and actual abusers be engaged? NatCen Social Research & Stop it Now! UK and Ireland #preventingCSA 15 th May 2014
Lessons from the UK research
2 Profile of helpline users Table : Calls to the Helpline by caller group, 2013 Caller groupCallsCallers N%N% Adults concerned about their own behaviour 3,49356%144541% Adults concerned about the behaviour of another adult 1,43223%96927% Adults concerned about a child or young person's sexual behaviour 2734%1986% Adults concerned about a child who may have been abused 2364%2016% Professionals3315%3039% Survivors of child sexual abuse 1562%1244% Other callers 3576%3019%
3 Profile of users concerned about their own behaviour Adults concerned about their own behaviour – whether had committed an offence or notCallsCallers N%N% Committed an offence (all forms of CSA) Internet offences Non-internet offences Not offended but concerned they might (all CSA) Internet risk 8038 Non-internet risk
Profile of users who have offended online
5 Barriers to helpline use: all users External Low awareness of provision Confusion over what is offered Resource-related constraints on access Internal Shame about offending / shame about not noticing Minimising behaviour / perceived as minimising risk Anxiety over being detected / over impacts on family
6 Catalysts for helpline use: All users External Police activity / arrest Sign-posting by professional Recommendation from family Search: information / inappropriate Internal Acute distress, anxiety, shock: for offender and for others Relief at having been discovered / having some support Recognition that feelings/behaviour is or could be harmful
7 Splash Pages and Warning Banners Splash Pages/Warning Banners likely to be most effective when: Early intervention Capacity to manage behaviour High motivation to desist Statement about illegality/ harm + encouragement to seek help
Splash Pages and Warning Banners Recognise risk of detection Deter use of online CSA images Recognise behaviour as problematic Engage with prevention services Recognise support available to address behaviour 8
Enabling helpline use: general advertising 9 Posters in public buildings such as GP surgeries Information where people can note it in private Billboards TV, radio and print media Raising profile of helpline among professionals
Enabling helpline use: posters 10
Enabling helpline use: agency referral/ signposting 11 UK Helpline business cards Helpline has seen an increase in calls from people who have offended online (740 new callers in 2012 compared with 48 in 2003) Influenced by increased profile of Helpline among Police and Probation – following efforts by Stop it Now! UK to inform police forces across the nations
Enabling helpline use: media campaigns 12 TV adverts produced by Stop! NL and the Prevention Project Dunkelfeld.
Enabling helpline use: child protection legislation 13 For potential/undetected abusers, accessing help may be constrained by requirement of child protection legislation and practice to pass identifying information about risk to the authorities. Wider policy discussion about how best to use reporting mechanisms to keep children safe.
Stop it Now! UK and Ireland 2.
Stop it Now! UK: Users
16 Engaging potential/undetected abusers Online strategies Broader promotion How else do potential/undetected abusers hear about Stop it Now! Gaps in provision for potential/undetected abusers?
Splash pages: early indications The internet industry has no method for ‘counting’ how many times ‘splash pages’ show. Since August 2013: 26 people have contact the Helpline via splash pages 16 callers, 10 ers Aged from ‘under 20’ – 60 years One female Range of issues reported: Heavy adult pornography use Viewing indecent images of children for some time
Google Adwords: Stop it Now! Two adverts running against 129 keywords
Child abuse images: overall figures
Enabling helpline use: demand All calls and callers to the Helpline
Enabling helpline use: capacity 21 YearMonthNumber of answered calls Number of missed calls 2013 April May 5161,613 June 4651,983 July 5382,136 August 5152,576 September 5512,588 October 5642,811 November 5742,790 December 4562, January 5452,102 February 5201,544 March 4882,963
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