CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION A Strategy for Mission…..Reviewed
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION In 2002 the Regional team consulted with the churches and researched the four county structure plans to see how a Mission Strategy might be constructed that would shape the Mission work of the Regional ministers (especially the Mission Enabler) and provide a steer for the churches as they design their own mission strategies. After a one-year listening and consultation period, the following plan was offered, honed and accepted by ministers meetings, informal gatherings, and the Association Council, and it was welcomed without amendment at the CBA Assembly in 2003.
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION In summary: The Regional team and Association Council have a vision that by 2010 every church will have….. 1. A course for faith and discipleship 2. A project in the community for the community 3. A concern to reach across cultural divides 4. A share in strategic mission planning 5. A responsibility for supporting Baptist Mission
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION In summary: The Regional team and Association Council have a vision that by 2010 every church will have….. 1. A course for faith and discipleship 2. A project in the community for the community 3. A concern to reach across cultural divides 4. A share in strategic mission planning 5. A responsibility for supporting Baptist Mission
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION In 2006 a questionnaire was offered to all 150 churches in our Association asking how these objectives had been worked with by the churches in their mission during the three years 2003 to churches responded, some large, some small, some without even part-time ministry. Some were rural, some were urban. The only churches missing from these results were the very large churches.
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 1. Every church be offering access to at least one course for faith and discipleship So, by 2010…., our aim is that
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Introduction to faith courses guide, giving a brief review of the options available Introduction to this Baptist church course A new 5 week flexible downloadable and adaptable resource for churches How have we tried to help? By offering advice, by linking churches with those that already do this, by researching the resouces available and by providing two free resources on our website.
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION How have the churches responded? In the 75 churches that responded to the survey 103 new courses were commenced.
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 2. Every church be involved in at least one community project and have a growing concern for issues of peace, justice and the environment and, by 2010….our aim is that
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Mission consultancies Information/contacts for new projects and by developing innovative, sustainable and replicable ways for churches to begin Health ministries How have we tried to help? By offering
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION How have the churches responded? In the 75 churches that answered the questionnaire, 96 new projects have begun.
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 3. Every church will have regular opportunities to engage with people from at least one other culture and, by 2010…. we hope that
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Mission teams By forming Mission teams By sharing a Mission Enabler to help churches reach Migrant workers By identifying funds to employ a youth development worker to help our churches address youth culture And by bringing together “The Carey Experience” to inspire people to deeper involvement in mission. (Has your church done the tour yet?) How have we tried to help?
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION How have the churches responded? In the 75 churches that responded, 23 projects with new cultural groups were started.
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION And by 2010….we want 4. Every church to have a share in Strategic Mission Planning including church planting where appropriate
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION By liasing with Church leaders on Church planting By appointing Ecumenical newbuild officers for MK and Northamptonshire By offering Church planting/Fresh expression courses By encouraging strategic clustering in newbuild areas By advocating for newbuild church-planting at National level And by encouraging a Year of prayer for newbuild areas How have we tried to help?
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION How have the churches responded? 43 of the 75 churches that replied have been engaged in major mission initiatives with other churches
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 5. Every church will be owning a responsibility for supporting Baptist mission so that by 2010, through BMS World Mission and Home Mission, we will together be giving £1million for mission every year. And by 2010…we hope that
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION How have the churches responded? 69 of the 75 are giving significantly more for mission now than three years ago.At the end of 2006 it was apparent that BMS and Home Mission giving have risen faster than in other Associations. But not fast enough quite yet!
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION We asked a few more key questions…like the number of Baptisms in those 75 churches since No less than 435!
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION For 75 churches average growth in attendance 12% For 43 churches average growth in attendance 20.5% Increase in attendances at services and events has grown by 12% on average, and in 43 churches by 20%.
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 273 church members in the 75 churches have got more involved with their local community in the three years
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION And 348 congregation members in those 75 churches have volunteered to work with other churches here or abroad in the the three years
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Together we can Some churches do all of these things. Other churches can only do one or two. But if the churches who can do these things will find ways to help those who cannot, then …..see every church doing them by 2010
CENTRAL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Together we can! If you want to help make these aims a reality, please tell us what more we can do as an Association to help you. Ring Helen on And if your church is already doing all these things, please take a few moments to think about how you can help another church do them.