As you approach year 12, it is VITAL that you understand the concepts of ICT that you have studied in Units 1, 2 and 3… Can you answer the following Questions?
Random Access Memory. Volatile / Temporary (data lost when electricity is switched off). Stores programs and data currently being used. Read Only Memory. Non-Volatile / Permanent (data is not lost when electricity is switched off). Stores BIOS – the program that loads the OS from the HD to the RAM.
Cache memory is extremely fast memory that is built into a computer’s central processing unit (CPU), or located next to it on a separate chip. The CPU uses memory to store instructions that are repeatedly required to run programs, improving overall system speed. An OS is a set of programs that controls how the hardware of a computer works… It is the means of communication between the user and the computer
Controls the Input and Output of the Computer. Stores and Retrieves Files (files being opened and saved) Manages the data being processed. Central Processing Unit Arithmetic and Logic Unit MegaByte
Microphone – To Input Sound into the Computer. Scanner – To Input a hardcopy of a graphic into a computer. Mouse – To make a selection or choice from the Operating System or Application Program. Digital Camera – To take clear photos which can be automatically entered into a computer.
Dot Matrix – Cheaper to buy and run compared to other printers. Ink Jet Printer – Quieter to print than a dot- matrix. Laser Printer – Prints more pages per minute than the Ink Jet Printer.
American Standard Code Information Interchange Visual Display Unit Digital Versatile Disk Characters Per Second Pages Per Minute Dots Per Inch Write Once Read Many
MB 4.7 GB 1.44MB 100MB
Graphical User Interface Windows Icons Menus Pointers