CITY CENTRE Neighbourhood Environmental Projects 2013-14 Overview Environment Forum 17 th December 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

CITY CENTRE Neighbourhood Environmental Projects Overview Environment Forum 17 th December 2013

Revenue/Capital/NEPs Budget Revenue – Funding from income such as Housing rent, Parking charges taxes etc – Funds repairs to our assets Capital – Funding from Scottish Government – Funds replacement of assets or extension of its life NEP’s – SFC needs to consult effectively with residents in order to deliver services at a local level. Local Neighbourhood teams enable us to plan and organise services and projects at a local level to meet the needs of local people. – The programme enables local communities to have a direct input into local projects. – For a potential project to be considered it should not just maintain the existing structure or asset but add value to it. – £85,000 budget per Neighbourhood Partnership

King’s Stables Road

Due to existing road layout it is very difficult to gain access to St Cuthbert's Church from King's Stables Road. Access is only available via Lothian Road Promote a new Traffic Regulation Order to allow access to St Cuthbert's by moving the no entry restriction. New signage and changes to the road layout required. Project due to start February 2014 for a 2 week duration Estimated cost of £20,000

King’s Stables Road

High School Yards

High School Yards have been blocked up for a number of years due to anti social behaviour. Edinburgh University have approached CEC to re-open these as part of a major development. New gated entry, new railings & fencing, new street lighting and structural repairs This project is being part funded by Edinburgh World Heritage and Edinburgh University Estimated cost £50,000 Estimated start date in February

High School Yards

Thistle Street

Resurfacing of carriageway and footway Carriageway raised to footway level to improve pedestrian access and reduce traffic speeds Project Co-ordinated to allow Scottish Water to replace mains water supply (Start 6 th January for 8 weeks) Project start of 17 th February for 12 weeks Estimated £160,000 (Part funded by Roads Capital Budget)

Thistle Street

Abbey Street

Remove concrete flags from footway and resurface with tarmac New footway surface will improve access for elderly and for the primary school Project starts in February for 1 week Funded by additional £50k NEPs budget Estimated cost of £15k

Abbey Street

Heriot Bridge

Uplift the tarmac and replace with caithness stone the back area of the estate Repaint the car cark area to enable disabled parking to be near the parking entrance and to provide a bike store at the far end. Replant shrub bed at the front of the estate. Paint the railings to the Heriot Bridge garden. Replace a section of fencing on the back wall. Estimated to start in January Estimated cost of £34,000

Housing Funded NEPs Projects Browns Close - New water tapLochend Close – Garden redesign & clean up

Housing Funded NEPs Projects Chessels Court – New stepsIndia Place Allotments – secure entrance and new trees to be planted

Summary NEP – Neighbourhood Environmental Projects £85k per Neighbourhood Partnership Area Funded from the Roads Capital Budget Gives autonomy of spend to deliver Neighbourhood priorities Projects should be driven by the local community Projects should be Roads related Can combine funding with internal / external sources Housing Revenue Account - £21k Preparation of a 3 year programme of projects