{ Learning Agreement Debs Wilson
A Learning Agreement (LA) is an opportunity for you to reflect upon your goals for this course as well as your goals throughout your Masters programme. What is a Learning Agreement?
Begin with listing your learning goals and what you hope to learn : Do you want to improve your study skills or learn more about a subject area? Are you trying to decide what to specialise in? How do I create my LA?
Next, list the activities you plan on doing to achieve your learning goals. Will you meet with your tutor regularly during his/her office hours to discuss how you are doing in the course? Will you keep a To Do List? What approaches will you use in order to meet your learning goal? How do I create my LA?
List the timeframe you expect to have your goal completed. Map out each of your projects Specify main goals / time-scales Factor in learning specific skills (i.e. software) How do I create my LA?
Explain how you know you achieved your learning goals Map out each of your projects: Will you look at your assignments and projects throughout the course (e.g., exams, quizzes, essays, class notes, presentations)? Will you ask your instructor or your tutors to observe and give you feedback and suggestions for improvement? How do I create my LA?
Committment Page: The Commitment Page is your promise to yourself that you will do your best to commit to your learning goals Sign and return to me. I will keep a copy and give the original to you In the final class we will review the agreement and discuss if/how you achieved these goals How do I create my LA?
Learning Goals (LGs) How will you achieve your LGs? Timeframe to complete goals How will you know you have achieved your LGs? 1. Academic Development: (i.e. practice academic integrity, learn about this subject, communicate with tutor on a regular basis) Discuss extra help options with my instructor when issues arise early Speak to instructor/ tutor regarding my performance and ways to improve WeeklyImprovement on assignments as related to extra help. 2. Learning Skills ( i.e. study skills, time management, strategies, note taking skills) To develop my study skills, inc. time management and note taking by identifying my strengths and weaknesses I will record my grades and focus on how I approach an assignment as well as areas that I need improvement OngoingRequest feedback from my tutor on the development of my learning styles
Learning Goals (LGs) How will you achieve your LGs? Timeframe to complete goals How will you know you have achieved your LGs? 3. Additional Skills (i.e. using technology, journals, software) Improve ability to prioritize objectives and tasks within a deadline or due date Create a study-plan in conjunction with my instructor and/or tutor By Week 6Goals of study plan met within set timeframe. Improve my computer / technology skills Use and course management systems to investigate departments and communicate with instructors. OngoingProactive in asking questions to solve technology concerns/problems
The point of this exercise is to allow you the time to reflect on how you will be successful in your Masters study and to use this reflection as a tool for discussion between you and your instructor/tutor. What’s the point of LA’s?
Answer the following questions: Of the new and recent developments in my area of interest, what interests me the most? What are my current skills and strengths for pursuing these interests? What do I need to do so that I can get involved in these new areas? Self Assessment (10 mins)
Answer the following questions: What knowledge, skills or abilities are important for increasing or maintaining the quality of my performance? What knowledge, skills or abilities will help me prepare for opportunities or roles I might have in the future? Self Assessment (10 mins)
Answer the following questions: Compared to the development needs suggested by these factors, other interests for development that are important to me include? Self Assessment (10 mins)
Answer the following questions: What skills are ‘must haves’ for me in where I want to be? What are my limiting factors? Do I have any? What is most important to me in my future career? Self Assessment (10 mins)
What I want to accomplish and the knowledge/skills I want to acquire or improve by: this time next year are: the end of two years are: the end of five years are: Goal Development Questions for your Journal
What barriers or obstacles might prevent me from accomplishing my goals on time? What can I do to overcome these barriers or obstacles? What resources are available to help me? Goal Development Questions for your Journal
Committment Page This Learning Agreement confirms that I am committed to my own academic success and my proposed plan of action to achieve my learning goals. The agreement also confirms that my instructor / tutor has reviewed and understands what I hope to achieve in this programme of study. Student Sign Here:______________________________ Date:_________ Instructor