Exam Technique Practice Questions Nazi Germany Exam Technique Practice Questions
Question a) Study Source A. What can you learn from source A about the Reichstag Fire of February 1933? (4 marks) You are expected to make inferences from the source. That means you have to read between the lines of what it says. Look for hidden meanings. Start your sentence with ‘Source A suggests that ….’ then explain your inference.
Question b) Study sources A, B and C. Does Source C support the evidence of Sources and A and B about who was responsible for the Reichstag Fire? Explain your answer. (6 marks) Ensure you directly compare Source C with the other two sources. Look for similarities and differences. Sometimes these are quite subtle and not very obvious. In your conclusion, judge the extent to which Source c supports the other two. Use the chart on the next slide to help you
Question b) Sources Similarities Differences C to A C to B Study sources A, B and C. Does Source C support the evidence of Sources and A and B about who was responsible for the Reichstag Fire? Explain your answer. (6 marks) Sources Similarities Differences C to A C to B
Question b) Study sources A, B and C. Does Source C support the evidence of Sources and A and B about who was responsible for the Reichstag Fire? Explain your answer. (6 marks) Source C supports the evidence of Sources A and B to an extent. Source C supports Source A in that ….. However, Source C disagrees with source A by saying …… Source C supports source B in that …… However, Source C disagrees with source B by saying …………. Overall, the evidence of Source C does/ does not really support the evidence of Source A and B because …………………
Question c) Study sources D and E. How useful are these two sources as evidence about the activities of the Stormtroopers (SA) in the years 1933-4? (8 marks) Ensure you explain usefulness and limitations. Use examples from the sources to illustrate your answer. Judge the usefulness of each source in terms of the context in which it was produced, I.e. of what you know of that event/period. You must decide how useful a source is based on content/context and nature/purpose. Include a conclusion that sums up the usefulness of each source and also judges their combined usefulness.
Content Nature Who wrote it When it was written View/attitude Purpose Usefulness Limitations Content The source is useful because of what it tells you about the event or person. It contains facts such as… It only provides a limited view of the event, it does not tell us .. It is not accurate because… It is mainly opinions such as … rather than facts. Nature The source is useful because it is a newspaper, poster, photograph or … The photograph only gives one limited view of the event. The poster/newspaper exaggerates the event. Who wrote it It is written by someone whose views are worth knowing. Why? The author is very one-sided and/ or did not witness the event. When it was written It was written at the time by an eyewitness. It gives the feelings/views of that time. It was written later and the writer had the benefit of hindsight It was written ant the time and so does not have the befit of hindsight. It was written later and the author has forgotten important events. View/attitude It is a very good/or typical view of the time. It is a good example of propaganda. It only gives the attitude of one person/group/party. It does not give the attitude of … Purpose It reflects the purpose of the author e.g propaganda It does not give a balance view because its purpose is to win the support of the reader for …
Question d) Study all the Sources. ‘The Communist Party was the main obstacle to Hitler’s creation of a Nazi dictatorship in the years, 1933-34’ Use the sources, and your own knowledge, to explain ether you agree with this view. (12 marks) You need an introduction that explains the interpretation and how you intend to answer the question. Ensure you give a balance answer that agrees and disagrees with the interpretation. Use the sources and your own knowledge for both sides of your answer. Begin each paragraph of your answer with a sentence that agrees or disagrees with the interpretation. Write a conclusion that sums up your view of the interpretation and decides which was the most important reason.
Question d) Supports interpretation Disagrees with interpretation Arguments Own knowledge Sources