WORD PROCESSING WP is the most commonly used package in business. A large number of documents are produced daily including: Memos Letters Reports Contracts
A spreadsheet is computer software program, which allows us to perform calculations and create financial statements, which can be saved for future updating (ie creating templates). Worksheets consists of columns and rows that meet to form boxes called “cells” into which text, numbers and formulae can be entered. SPREADSHEET Each cell has its own, unique reference (address) which consists of the letter of the column and the number of the row that it is in. For example – D4 (column D and row 4).
Cell information can be “formatted” which means presented in a certain way – eg date, time, percentage and currency. Information can also be sorted so that it can be easily interpreted – eg descending order of price to show the most expensive at the top of the list. Repeat formulae need to be entered into the first cell only and can then be copied into remaining cells using the Edit, Fill menu or copying function in the cell border
It is difficult to identify patterns and trends from spreadsheet information in its tabular form. Common types of charts that can be produced are: Bar Chart - to compare sales of different products made by a company Line Graph - to show trends of sales of products over a period of time Pie Chart - presents the information as a percentage of a total in circular form Charts:
easier to understand and interpret/analyse more interesting to look at – different types, colours, styles etc used to see comparisons at a glance easily updated if figures change (update the spreadsheet and the chart will automatically update) simple to insert (copy) into other documents (eg WP report) Charts are:
DATABASE A database is an organised collection of information, such as a telephone directory, address book, etc. Microsoft Access holds information in tables which can be linked together. Each line of a table represents a separate RECORD, consisting of items of data that belong together.
Each item within a record is held in a separate column of the table known as a FIELD. QUERIES allow questions to be asked of the data and display only the information required. These are commonly used when Mail Merging with a standard document in Word – eg a letter to be sent to all customers living in Inverness Data can be presented in list format (ie the table), forms or reports.
PowerPoint is a presentation package which is used to present text, numeric and graphical information in a more interesting way than on paper or an overhead projector. Information can be presented using a variety of colours and can be animated. A PowerPoint presentation should be used as a prop and should not simply be read out to the audience (they can read it themselves). POWERPOINT
Common Features: Each of these packages contain common features: Copy, Cut and Paste – to allow text to be moved around the screen Print Preview – to show the document in full before printing Microsoft Office is an INTEGRATED PACKAGE as it contains more than one piece of software. Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint are examples of this software.
Spellcheck – to make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes Save – to store work completed to a designated file and folder Undo – to clear the last change that was made Word, Excel and PowerPoint also have text enhancement options such as Bold, Italic, Underline as buttons on the toolbar which can only be achieved through the Format menu in Access.
FILE MANANGEMENT This is the way files and folders on your computer and/or a manual system (ringbinders, filing cabinets) are organised. This has sometimes been called “housekeeping”. If work is not identified properly in files and folders it can be easily mislaid or lost. Files should be named appropriately and organised so that they can be easily and quickly identified and accessed.
Terms FILE – a single document/piece of work eg Word, Excel or Access document FOLDER – a place to store files which should be kept together (a collection of files) SUB-FOLDER – A folder within another folder - allows work to be divided up into separate topic areas within a wider topic (eg WP, SS and DB folders inside ICT folder) The storage medium used for files should be kept up-to-date with “old” unnecessary files removed and “live” files appropriately named.