Implementation of ERDMS at the Scottish Executive Ken Glasgow Corporate Records Manager
Who? The devolved administration of Scotland 9 Departments 5,000 staff
What we have now Paper based system Computerised file tracking and retrieval system – IMPReS 1.4m records on the database Online file requesting – NETIMPReS Annual file review by dedicated reviewers
The problems with that Limited searching Inconsistent titling Not all inclusive Other alternatives now available electronically
Why are we moving to an ERDMS? The drivers: LegalPoliticalBusiness
SE Information Management Principles 1. We treat information as a SE resource 2. We are all responsible for our information 3. We make information accessible to others 4. We keep records of what we do 5. Our information is accurate and fit for purpose 6. Our information complies with regulations & legal requirements
So……….What’s new? A corporate file plan
What we have now Branch – Theme – Subtheme – File HD: Community Care Division: Care Standard & Sponsorship – National Care Standards - General – General papers A lot about who –not much about what
The new ERDM fileplan Four levels of classification 3 levels based on Government Category List (GCL) 4 th level describes activity undertaken 5 th level defines the file where documents and records are stored
How that works Level One: Crime, law, justice and rights Level 2: Law Level 3: Civil law Level 4: Advice and policy Level 5 file: Family law: Physical punishment of children: Advice and policy: 2005-
Roles & Responsiblities: The Records Management Team (RMT) File creation Assignation of privileges Maintenance of the Fileplan Servicing requests for physical files Closure of all virtual files Transfer of custody of physical files Review and sentencing
Roles & responsibilities: the Information Management Adviser Monitor Departmental file requests Consultation on fileplan changes Monitor Temporary Storage Space Agree and review retention periods First line support (IM, DPA, FOI Advise Departmental Management Conduct Audits
Information Management Support Officers Authorise file creation Monitor file closure Delete & move documents Manage access rights and associated privileges Advice & guidance
Retention and disposal Applied to file types Only Records Management can amend or execute disposals
The numbers to date 52,000 documents on the system 600 users live 30,000 documents in “home” folders (10,000 of which are owned by 10 staff!)
The Benefits 1 The Short Term Increased information sharing Progress towards Government target Reduced reliance on paper files Reduced reliance on casual clerical staff
The Benefits 2 The Longer Term Increased office space Reduced carriage of paper between buildings Reduced off site storage Reduced time spent filing Reduced time spent searching for material Increased ability to meet legal requirements
The lessons 1 It isn’t really about technology – it’s about cultural change Education, education, education – as early as possible File planning isn’t easy – it needs to be started as early as possible and users have to be involved from the outset If people don’t know how to search properly, it doesn’t work
The lessons 2 Communication, communication, communication Roll-out has to relate to the corporate pressures calendar Go live date should be dependent on user sign-off of key issues – implementation should not be driven against an artificial timetable
The lessons 3 Training for implementation should be linked to actual work People need step-by- step guides Some of the routines are laborious Luddites - Nigel We can’t get the staff these days