Local Authority Funding. How we get out money Block grant – 85% of overall funding Council tax Business / non-domestic rates.


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Presentation transcript:

Local Authority Funding

How we get out money Block grant – 85% of overall funding Council tax Business / non-domestic rates

Share of Government Grant 3.15% of overall revenue budget 3.25% of population Effectively 3% deficit in grant share Equivalent to £9m

The Grant Floor 09/1010/1111/1212/1313/1414/15 Renfrewshire Western Isles Shetland Edinburgh East Dun Inverclyde West Dun Argyll & Bute North Lan

Summary of Grant Movement Each Year 2009/102010/112011/122012/132013/142014/15 Scottish Average 5%(0.2%)(2.4%)0.3%0.1%0% Renfrewshire2.8%(0.6%)(3.3%)(0.4%)(0.6%)(0.5%)

Deprivation Indicators A reducing working age population compared to the rest of Scotland. Income deprivation and fuel poverty above the Scottish average, especially amongst older population Youth unemployment higher than Scottish average and rising faster Young people not in education, employment or training still running above Scottish average.

Deprivation Indicators deprivation has a significant bearing on our underlying need to spend in education deprivation indicators are almost completely missing from the education budget distribution (estimated at only 5%) £59 million out of £4.2 billion is specifically targeted at education deprivation.