There is a widespread problem in the housing sector whereby young people have a difficult time when moving into their first home on their own. Many young people have an unrealistic idea of what it’s like to live on their own. Many may abandon their tenancies because they find it difficult to cope with the challenges of independent living. More traditional methods of raising awareness such as training and workshops usually generate little interest with young people and have poor attendance.
Technology plays a very important role in the lives of young people; as a result the project team was keen to harness technology as a learning medium. Most young people already own a mobile phone; therefore the mobile phone platform presents an excellent opportunity from which to build an innovative learning tool. The InLiving mobile phone game has been developed as a more up-to-date, accessible and engaging way to help young people think about the challenges of independent living. This interactive mobile phone game tackles many of the problems associated with independent living in a fun and exciting way.
Upon completion of InLiving the user receives a text asking them to login to a internet based personal training record where they can complete the InLiving quiz and receive a certificate recognising their achievement. They can also access other e-modules that have been designed to give transferable skills and increase self confidence.
InLiving deals with the realities and responsibilities of running a home for the first time. It can be compared to ‘The Sims’, but with a focus on learning how to live independently. The game exposes young people to the challenges of independent living in a safe, educational environment. InLiving Progression takes this concept one step further giving tenants the opportunity to gain transferable skills and increase self confidence.
InLiving Progression allows your organisation to offer accessible, flexible and cost effective training to your tenants. For more information contact or ring Chloe Weatherhead on