Grwp Arfer Dda Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru 20/10/09 Developing and sharing good practice in teaching and learning (add map)


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Presentation transcript:

Grwp Arfer Dda Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru 20/10/09 Developing and sharing good practice in teaching and learning (add map)

Why? Raising standards....

21 Secondary schools – Gwynedd, Mon + 3 Conwy Challenge – supporting schools to raise standards Developing and supporting SMT members to implement curriculum initiatives GADd – Why?

AIMS GADd To develop classroom practice and improve pedagogy To raise standards of achievement To improve motivation and engagement

National Requirements Advisory Team School Staff Learners Developing and sharing good practice in teaching and learning through the GADd

GADd: Where did we start from? Already working with Paul Ginnis – learning styles and thinking skills Paul Ginnis worked with schools for 3 years Visits outside the area – Cramlington High School, Villiers High School

Other external advisors e.g. Christine Harrison (King’s College AfL), Alistair Smith (Accelerated Learning), Shirley Clarke, Shared some good practice from within our own schools MR working for WAG/ACCAC – kn and u of future curriculum changes esp. Next slide

Revision of the National Curriculum in Wales Focus of any new curriculum should be one that developed skills, especially thinking skills Assessment should be formative throughout a key stage (AfL)

Developments since

GADd Time Line ED – fast forward through key developments / focus since 2005/2006 BC? Informal input on where we’re at now – inc grwp llywio (this group might be a combination ) Math o ‘brofiad’ – diwrnod GADd + pecyn / gweithredu dilynol.

What we gained: GADd Opportunity to share and develop together (Schools and advisers) – increased confidence Improved working relationships – everyone in the same boat Sharing a known common goal Improved knowledge and understanding – ready for Sept 08 and beyond Contributing to whole school development - not just subjects Ready to support developments in schools

What we learnt: People can’t change overnight – takes time to get around established systems (team and schools) We need to adapt what we’re doing already Review approaches – changing ‘how’ More difficult to respond to a generic (non- subject/cross-sector) based focus – subjects /sectors working together

What next for this group? Activity to get them to think about the whole ‘learning’ agenda (bar diagram task) in order to reach what? Why? How? Activity.


Datblygiad o sgiliau/Development of skills Cymraeg/Welsh Saesneg/English Mathemateg/Mathematics Gwyddoniaeth/Science Hanes/History Daearyddiaeth/Geography Ieithoedd Modern/MFL Celf/Art Technoleg/Technology Addysg Gorfforol/PE TGC/ICT Addysg Grefyddol/Religious Education

Dilyniant a barhhad/Continuity and progression

Llai o gynnwys pynciol / less subject content


I gefnogi polisi’r Llywodraeth/To support government policy Dwyieithrwydd/ Bilingualism Y Cwricwlwm Cymreig/Curriculum Cymreig Cyfle cyfartal/Equal opportunities Bwyd a ffitrwydd/Food and fitness Addysg ar gyfer datblygiad cynaliadwy a dinasyddiaeth fyd- eang/Education for sustainable development and global citizenship Y Byd gwaith ac entrepreneuriaeth/World of work and entrepreneurship

CC 2008 – Adnabod ble ydan ni: 1) Penderfynwch ble ydych chi fel ysgol ar y siart bar / continuwm rhwng [ 1 = heb wir cychwyn  10 = rydym eisoes yn gwneud hyn i gyd yn effeithiol] 2) Beth sydd yn eich rhoi chi ar y pwynt yma ar y siart bar? Beth rydych chi wedi ei wneud er mwyn bod yno? (Beth ydy eich tystiolaeth ar gyfer hyn?)

FFOCWS AR Y DYSGWR: Rydym yn... Hyrwyddo cynhwysiant a chael plant i ymwneud ag addysg a dysgu Sicrhau y caiff anghenion bob dysgwr ei ddiwallu’n effeithiol Adnabod cryfderau dysgwyr a’r meysydd i’w gwella drwy ddefnyddio technegau asesu effeithiol CYNLLUNIO’R CWRICWLWM: Mae ein cwricwlwm yn... Sicrhau bod y weithred o ddatblygu sgiliau priodol yn cael ei phlethu drwy’r holl gwricwlwm Canolbwyntio ar barhad a dilyniant o 3-19 Cynnig llai o gynnwys pynciol a chanolbwyntio mwy ar sgiliau Hyblyg Yn berthnasol i’r 21ain ganrif GWEITHREDU POLISIAU CENEDLAETHOL A LLEOL: Rydym yn... Cefnogi (ac yn hyrwyddo) dwyieithrwydd; Gweithredu y Cwricwlwm Cymreig a Cymru, Ewrop a’r Byd. Gweithredu ar polisïau cenedlaethol e.e. bwyd a ffitrwydd, addysg ar gyfer datblygiad cynaliadwy a dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang; byd gwaith ac entrepreneuriaeth.

Cynllunio i’r dyfodol: Planning ahead: Llwybrau posibl / Possible paths Cefnogaeth presennol / Current support Cefnogaeth pellach [?] / Further support [?]

What? Why? How?

JOBs / TTD Tidy up slides ED and MR Sort out stuff for activities. Pack – ppt reminder; bar chart reminder. CD/ebost dilynol.