En el futuro WALT: to talk about future plans & using the near future tense WILF: Grade E - detailed description of future plans,opinions and justifying them Grade D – Grade E + what you are going to do Grade C – Grade D + what you did Grade B – Grade C + complex sentences Grade A – Grade B + talking about another person + negatives + comparisons WILF: Grade E - detailed description of future plans,opinions and justifying them Grade D – Grade E + what you are going to do Grade C – Grade D + what you did Grade B – Grade C + complex sentences Grade A – Grade B + talking about another person + negatives + comparisons
Vocabulario ¿Qué vas a hacer? - What are you going to do? Voy a …- I am going to… Beber champán- drink champagne Comer chicle- eat chewing gum Dormir veinte horas- sleep for 20 hours Ducharme - have a shower Llamar a mi madre - call my mum En el futuro voy a…- in the future, I am going to… Me gustaría…- I would like to… Quiero…- I want to Buscar un trabajo- look for a job Casarme- get married Comprar un coche nuevo- buy a new car Estudiar- study Viajar- travel ¿Qué vas a hacer? - What are you going to do? Voy a …- I am going to… Beber champán- drink champagne Comer chicle- eat chewing gum Dormir veinte horas- sleep for 20 hours Ducharme - have a shower Llamar a mi madre - call my mum En el futuro voy a…- in the future, I am going to… Me gustaría…- I would like to… Quiero…- I want to Buscar un trabajo- look for a job Casarme- get married Comprar un coche nuevo- buy a new car Estudiar- study Viajar- travel
Listening practice
Speaking practice Have a conversation with your partner; you each take it in turn to ask the question and then give an answer in 3 parts… (See example)
Reading practice
Writing practice Write a paragraph about your future plans Remember all criteria to achieve grade C and above! Write a paragraph about your future plans Remember all criteria to achieve grade C and above!
Speaking Task 2 – Cross-Context Interview with a teenager You are being interviewed by your teacher. You will answer questions about your life as a teenager and your teacher will play the role of the interviewer. Your teacher could ask you the following: Tell me about yourself – personal information, name, age... What is a typical day like for you? What do you enjoy doing and why? What do you not enjoy doing and why? * What do you do to help at home?* What are your ambitions for the future? ! ! Remember at this point you will have to respond to something you have not yet prepared. The dialogue will last between 4 and 6 minutes.
Targets: Up to a C Grade: variety of GCSE vocabulary, opinions, justifications, at least 3 examples of different tenses to achieve up to Grade C.(Foundation paper) C / B Grade: (As above… and ) At least difference in tenses, longer paragraphs and more detail up to C/B grade. B / A* Grade: (As above…and ) Other people’s opinions, comparatives, idioms, complex sentences and long paragraphs, 4-5 different tenses to achieve up to grade A* (Higher tier paper)
GCSE Speaking Marking Scheme: How my work is marked:Marks Communication10 Range and Accuracy of Language 10 Pronunciation and Intonation 5 Interaction and Fluency 5 TOTAL30
Communication 9 – 10 Information, ideas and points of view are presented and explained with confidence. Can narrate events when appropriate. 7– 8 A good amount of information and points of view are conveyed and regularly developed. 5 – 6 A reasonable amount of information and points of view are conveyed and sometimes developed. 3 – 4 Some simple information and opinions are conveyed. Few, if any, responses are developed. 1– 2 Little relevant information communicated. Very few appropriate responses are developed. 0No relevant information conveyed.
Range and Accuracy of language 9–10 A wide range of vocabulary, complex structures and a variety of verb tenses. Errors usually appear in more complex structures. 7–8 A range of vocabulary; some complex structures and a variety of verb tenses attempted, though not always well formed. Some errors occur but the message is clear. 5–6 Limited vocabulary; sentences generally simple but occasionally more complex. Errors are quite frequent, but the language is more accurate than inaccurate. 3–4Very limited vocabulary; short, simple sentences. Errors very frequent. 1–2 Isolated words of vocabulary. Occasional short phrases. Errors often impede communication. 0No language produced is worthy of
Pronunciation and Intonation 5Consistently good accent and intonation. 4Generally good. 3Generally accurate but some inconsistency. 2 Understandable, but comprehension is sometimes delayed. 1 Barely understandable, making comprehension difficult. 0No language produced is worthy of credit.
Interaction and Fluency 5 Responds readily and shows initiative. Conversation sustained at a reasonable speed, language expressed fluently. 4 Answers without hesitation and extends responses beyond the minimum with some flow of language. 3 Ready responses; some evidence of an ability to sustain a conversation; little if any initiative. 2 Some reaction. Sometimes hesitant, little natural flow of language. 1Little reaction. Very hesitant and disjointed. 0No language produced is worthy of credit.
Plenary Write down in your book: What have you learnt today? 2 stars (things you have done well) And a wish (something you wish you could do better)